Source code for idaes.models.unit_models.mscontactor

# The Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Integrated Platform
# Framework (IDAES IP) was produced under the DOE Institute for the
# Design of Advanced Energy Systems (IDAES).
# Copyright (c) 2018-2024 by the software owners: The Regents of the
# University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
# National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon
# University, West Virginia University Research Corporation, et al.
# All rights reserved.  Please see the files and
# for full copyright and license information.
IDAES model for a generic multiple-stream contactor unit.
from functools import partial

from pandas import DataFrame

# Import Pyomo libraries
from pyomo.environ import (
from pyomo.common.config import ConfigDict, ConfigValue, Bool, In
from pyomo.contrib.incidence_analysis import solve_strongly_connected_components
from pyomo.dae import DerivativeVar

# Import IDAES cores
from idaes.core import (
from idaes.core.util.config import (
from idaes.core.util.exceptions import (
from idaes.core.initialization import ModularInitializerBase
from idaes.core.initialization.initializer_base import StoreState
from idaes.core.util.model_serializer import to_json, from_json
import idaes.logger as idaeslog
from idaes.core.util.units_of_measurement import report_quantity

__author__ = "Andrew Lee"

# TODO: Could look at using Pyomo DAE for the length domain, but this would make
# it harder to do side feeds.

[docs] class MSContactorInitializer(ModularInitializerBase): """ This is a general purpose sequential-modular Initializer object for multi-stream contactor unit models. This routine starts by deactivating any constraints that are not part of the base model and fixing all inter-stream transfer variables. The model is then solved using the Pyomo ssc_solver function to initialize each stream separately. The inter-stream transfer variables are then unfixed and the additional constraints reactivated, and the full model solved using the user-specified solver. """ CONFIG = ModularInitializerBase.CONFIG() CONFIG.declare( "ssc_solver_options", ConfigDict( implicit=True, description="Dict of arguments for solver calls by ssc_solver", ), ) CONFIG.declare( "calculate_variable_options", ConfigDict( implicit=True, description="Dict of options to pass to 1x1 block solver", doc="Dict of options to pass to calc_var_kwds argument in " "scc_solver method.", ), )
[docs] def initialization_routine( self, model: Block, ): """ Initialization routine for MSContactor Blocks. Args: model: model to be initialized Returns: None """ # Get loggers init_log = idaeslog.getInitLogger(, self.get_output_level(), tag="unit" ) solve_log = idaeslog.getSolveLogger(, self.get_output_level(), tag="unit" ) # Get current model state initial_state = to_json(model, wts=StoreState, return_dict=True) # Isolate streams by fixing inter-stream variables model.material_transfer_term.fix() # Deactivate any constraints that are not part of the base model # First, build list of names for known constraints const_names = [] for s in model.config.streams.keys(): const_names.append( + "." + s + "_rate_reaction_constraint") const_names.append( + "." + s + "_equilibrium_reaction_constraint" ) const_names.append( + "." + s + "_inherent_reaction_constraint") const_names.append( + "." + s + "_heterogeneous_reaction_constraint" ) const_names.append( + "." + s + "_material_balance") const_names.append( + "." + s + "_energy_balance") const_names.append( + "." + s + "_pressure_balance") const_names.append( + "." + s + "_side_stream_pressure_balance") try: # If has rate reactions ,fi extent to 0 for first pass getattr(model, s + "_rate_reaction_extent").fix(0) except AttributeError: pass # Fix extents for heterogeneous reactions to 0 for first pass if present if hasattr(model, "heterogeneous_reaction_extent"): model.heterogeneous_reaction_extent.fix(0) # Iterate through all constraints attached to model - do not search sub-blocks for c in model.component_objects(Constraint, descend_into=False): # Deactivate constraint if its name is not in list of known names if not in const_names: c.deactivate() # Call css_solver solver = self._get_solver() solve_strongly_connected_components( model, solver=solver, solve_kwds=self.config.ssc_solver_options, calc_var_kwds=self.config.calculate_variable_options, )"Stream Initialization Completed.") # Revert state from_json(model, sd=initial_state, wts=StoreState) # Solve full model with idaeslog.solver_log(solve_log, idaeslog.DEBUG) as slc: res = solver.solve(model, tee=slc.tee)"Initialization Completed, {idaeslog.condition(res)}") return res
# Config dict to contain information on each stream STREAM_CONFIG = ConfigDict() STREAM_CONFIG.declare( "property_package", ConfigValue( default=useDefault, domain=is_physical_parameter_block, description="Property package to use for given stream", doc="""Property parameter object used to define property calculations for given stream, **default** - useDefault. **Valid values:** { **useDefault** - use default package from parent model or flowsheet, **PhysicalParameterObject** - a PhysicalParameterBlock object.}""", ), ) STREAM_CONFIG.declare( "property_package_args", ConfigDict( implicit=True, description="Dict of arguments to use for constructing property package", doc="""A ConfigDict with arguments to be passed to property block(s) and used when constructing these, **default** - None. **Valid values:** { see property package for documentation.}""", ), ) STREAM_CONFIG.declare( "reaction_package", ConfigValue( default=None, domain=is_reaction_parameter_block, description="Reaction package to use for stream", doc="""Reaction parameter object used to define reaction calculations for stream. **default** - None. **Valid values:** { **None** - no reaction package, **ReactionParameterBlock** - a ReactionParameterBlock object.}""", ), ) STREAM_CONFIG.declare( "reaction_package_args", ConfigDict( implicit=True, description="Arguments to use for constructing reaction packages", doc="""A ConfigBlock with arguments to be passed to a reaction block(s) and used when constructing these, **default** - None. **Valid values:** { see reaction package for documentation.}""", ), ) STREAM_CONFIG.declare( "flow_direction", ConfigValue( default=FlowDirection.forward, domain=In(FlowDirection), doc="Direction of flow for stream", description="FlowDirection Enum indicating direction of " "flow for given stream. Default=FlowDirection.forward.", ), ) STREAM_CONFIG.declare( "has_feed", ConfigValue( default=True, domain=Bool, doc="Bool indicating whether stream has a feed.", description="Bool indicating whether stream has a feed Port and inlet " "state, or if all flow is provided via mass transfer. Default=True.", ), ) STREAM_CONFIG.declare( "has_rate_reactions", ConfigValue( default=False, domain=Bool, doc="Bool indicating whether rate-based reactions occur in stream.", ), ) STREAM_CONFIG.declare( "has_equilibrium_reactions", ConfigValue( default=False, domain=Bool, doc="Bool indicating whether equilibrium-based reactions occur in stream.", ), ) STREAM_CONFIG.declare( "has_energy_balance", ConfigValue( default=True, domain=Bool, doc="Bool indicating whether to include energy balance for stream. Default=True.", ), ) STREAM_CONFIG.declare( "has_heat_transfer", ConfigValue( default=False, domain=Bool, doc="Bool indicating whether to include external heat transfer terms in energy " "balance for stream. Default=False.", ), ) STREAM_CONFIG.declare( "has_heat_of_reaction", ConfigValue( default=False, domain=Bool, doc="Bool indicating whether heat of reaction terms should be included in energy " "balance for stream (required reactions). Default=False.", ), ) STREAM_CONFIG.declare( "has_pressure_balance", ConfigValue( default=True, domain=Bool, doc="Bool indicating whether to include pressure balance for stream. Default=True.", ), ) STREAM_CONFIG.declare( "has_pressure_change", ConfigValue( default=False, domain=Bool, doc="Bool indicating whether to include deltaP terms in pressure balance for " "stream. Default=False.", ), ) STREAM_CONFIG.declare( "side_streams", ConfigValue( default=None, domain=list, doc="List of finite elements at which a side stream should be included.", ), ) @declare_process_block_class("MSContactor") class MSContactorData(UnitModelBlockData): """ Multi-Stream Contactor Unit Model Class """ # Set default initializer default_initializer = MSContactorInitializer CONFIG = UnitModelBlockData.CONFIG() CONFIG.declare( "streams", ConfigDict( implicit=True, implicit_domain=STREAM_CONFIG, description="Dict of streams and associated property packages", doc="ConfigDict with keys indicating names for each stream in system and " "values indicating property package and associated arguments.", ), ) CONFIG.declare( "number_of_finite_elements", ConfigValue(domain=int, description="Number of finite elements to use"), ) CONFIG.declare( "interacting_streams", ConfigValue( domain=list, doc="List of interacting stream pairs as 2-tuples ('stream1', 'stream2').", ), ) # TODO: Consider a base call for heterogeneous reactions and set domain CONFIG.declare( "heterogeneous_reactions", ConfigValue( default=None, # domain=list, description="Heterogeneous reaction package to use in contactor.", doc="Heterogeneous reaction package to use in contactor. Heterogeneous " "reaction packages are expected to have a certain structure and methods; " "please refer to the documentation for more details.", ), ) CONFIG.declare( "heterogeneous_reactions_args", ConfigDict( implicit=True, description="Arguments to use for constructing reaction packages", doc="ConfigBlock with arguments to be passed to heterogeneous reaction block(s)", ), ) def build(self): """ Begin building model. Args: None Returns: None """ # Call super().build() # Placeholders for things we will get from first StateBlock self.flow_basis = None self.uom = None self._verify_inputs() self._build_state_blocks() if self.config.heterogeneous_reactions is not None: self._build_heterogeneous_reaction_blocks() self._add_geometry() self._build_material_balance_constraints() self._build_energy_balance_constraints() self._build_pressure_balance_constraints() self._build_ports() def _verify_inputs(self): # Check that at least two streams were declared if len(self.config.streams) < 2: raise ConfigurationError( f"MSContactor models must define at least two streams; received " f"{list(self.config.streams.keys())}" ) # Build indexing sets self.elements = RangeSet( 1, self.config.number_of_finite_elements, doc="Set of finite elements in cascade (1 to number of elements)", ) self.streams = Set( initialize=[k for k in self.config.streams.keys()], doc="Set of streams in unit", ) interacting_streams = self.config.interacting_streams # If user did not provide interacting streams list, assume all steams interact if interacting_streams is None: interacting_streams = [] for s1 in self.config.streams: for s2 in self.config.streams: if not s1 == s2 and (s2, s1) not in interacting_streams: interacting_streams.append((s1, s2)) self.stream_interactions = Set( initialize=interacting_streams, doc="Set of interacting streams." ) self.stream_component_interactions = Set( doc="Set of interacting components between streams." ) for stream1, stream2 in self.stream_interactions: for j in self.config.streams[stream1].property_package.component_list: if ( j in self.config.streams[stream2].property_package.component_list and (stream2, stream1, j) not in self.stream_component_interactions ): # Common component, assume interaction self.stream_component_interactions.add((stream1, stream2, j)) if ( len(self.stream_component_interactions) == 0 and self.config.heterogeneous_reactions is None ): raise ConfigurationError( "No common components found in property packages and no heterogeneous reactions " "specified. The MSContactor model assumes that mass transfer occurs between " "components with the same name in different streams or due to heterogeneous reactions." ) # Check that reaction block was provided if reactions requested for s, sconfig in self.config.streams.items(): if ( sconfig.has_rate_reactions or sconfig.has_equilibrium_reactions ) and sconfig.reaction_package is None: raise ConfigurationError( f"Stream {s} was set to include reactions, but no reaction package was provided." ) def _build_state_blocks(self): # Build state blocks for stream, pconfig in self.config.streams.items(): ppack = pconfig.property_package arg_dict1 = dict(**pconfig.property_package_args) arg_dict1["defined_state"] = False state = ppack.build_state_block( self.flowsheet().time, self.elements, doc=f"States for stream {stream} in each stage.", **arg_dict1, ) self.add_component(stream, state) # Add feed state if required if pconfig.has_feed: arg_dict0 = dict(**pconfig.property_package_args) arg_dict0["defined_state"] = True inlet_state = ppack.build_state_block( self.flowsheet().time, doc=f"Inlet states for stream {stream}.", **arg_dict0, ) self.add_component(stream + "_inlet_state", inlet_state) # Add side streams if required if pconfig.side_streams is not None: # First, verify side stream set is a sub-set of elements for ss in pconfig.side_streams: if ss not in self.elements: raise ConfigurationError( f"side_streams must be a sub-set of the set of elements. " f"Found {ss} in side_streams which is not in elements." ) # Add indexing Set for side streams ss_set = Set(initialize=pconfig.side_streams) self.add_component(stream + "_side_stream_set", ss_set) ss_state = ppack.build_state_block( self.flowsheet().time, ss_set, doc=f"States for {stream} side streams in each stage.", **arg_dict1, ) self.add_component(stream + "_side_stream_state", ss_state) tref = self.flowsheet().time.first() sref = self.elements.first() if self.flow_basis is None: # Set unit level flow basis and units from first stream self.flow_basis = state[tref, sref].get_material_flow_basis() self.uom = state[tref, sref].params.get_metadata().derived_units else: # Check that flow bases are consistent if not state[tref, sref].get_material_flow_basis() == self.flow_basis: raise ConfigurationError( f"Property packages use different flow bases: ExtractionCascade " f"requires all property packages to use the same basis. " f"{stream} uses {state[tref, sref].get_material_flow_basis()}, " f"whilst first stream uses {self.flow_basis}." ) # Build reactions blocks if provided if pconfig.reaction_package is not None: tmp_dict = dict(**pconfig.reaction_package_args) tmp_dict["state_block"] = state tmp_dict["has_equilibrium"] = pconfig.has_equilibrium_reactions reactions = pconfig.reaction_package.build_reaction_block( self.flowsheet().time, self.elements, doc=f"Reaction properties for stream {stream}", **tmp_dict, ) self.add_component(stream + "_reactions", reactions) def _build_heterogeneous_reaction_blocks(self): rpack = self.config.heterogeneous_reactions rpack_args = self.config.heterogeneous_reactions_args try: self.heterogeneous_reactions = rpack.build_reaction_block( self.flowsheet().time, self.elements, doc="Heterogeneous reaction block for contactor.", **rpack_args, ) except AttributeError: raise ConfigurationError( "Heterogeneous reaction package has not implemented a " "build_reaction_block method. Please ensure that your " "reaction block conforms to the required standards." ) if not hasattr(self.config.heterogeneous_reactions, "reaction_idx"): raise PropertyNotSupportedError( "Heterogeneous reaction package does not contain a list of " "reactions (reaction_idx)." ) def _add_geometry(self): if self.config.has_holdup: # Add volume for each element # TODO: Assuming constant volume for now self.volume = Var( self.elements, initialize=1, units=self.uom.VOLUME, doc="Volume of element", ) self.volume_frac_stream = Var( self.flowsheet().time, self.elements, self.streams, initialize=1 / len(self.streams), units=units.dimensionless, doc="Volume fraction of each stream in element", ) @self.Constraint( self.flowsheet().time, self.elements, doc="Sum of volume fractions constraint", ) def sum_volume_frac(b, t, e): return 1 == sum(b.volume_frac_stream[t, e, s] for s in b.streams) for stream in self.config.streams.keys(): phase_list = getattr(self, stream).phase_list _add_phase_fractions(self, stream, phase_list) def _build_material_balance_constraints(self): # Get units for transfer terms if self.flow_basis is MaterialFlowBasis.molar: mb_units = self.uom.FLOW_MOLE hu_units = self.uom.AMOUNT elif self.flow_basis is MaterialFlowBasis.mass: mb_units = self.uom.FLOW_MASS hu_units = self.uom.MASS else: # Flow type other, so cannot determine units mb_units = None hu_units = None # Material transfer terms are indexed by stream pairs and components. # Convention is that a positive material flow term indicates flow into # the first stream from the second stream for a given component. self.material_transfer_term = Var( self.flowsheet().time, self.elements, self.stream_component_interactions, initialize=0, units=mb_units, doc="Inter-stream mass transfer term", ) if hasattr(self, "heterogeneous_reactions"): # Add extents of reaction and stoichiometric constraints # We will assume the user will define how extent will be calculated self.heterogeneous_reaction_extent = Var( self.flowsheet().time, self.elements, self.config.heterogeneous_reactions.reaction_idx, domain=Reals, initialize=0.0, doc="Extent of heterogeneous reactions", units=mb_units, ) # Build balance equations for stream, sconfig in self.config.streams.items(): state_block = getattr(self, stream) component_list = state_block.component_list pc_set = state_block.phase_component_set # Get reaction block if present if hasattr(self, stream + "_reactions"): reaction_block = getattr(self, stream + "_reactions") # Material holdup and accumulation if self.config.has_holdup: material_holdup = Var( self.flowsheet().time, self.elements, pc_set, domain=Reals, initialize=1.0, doc="Material holdup of stream in element", units=hu_units, ) self.add_component( stream + "_material_holdup", material_holdup, ) holdup_eq = Constraint( self.flowsheet().time, self.elements, pc_set, doc=f"Holdup constraint for stream {stream}", rule=partial( _holdup_rule, stream=stream, ), ) self.add_component( stream + "_material_holdup_constraint", holdup_eq, ) if self.config.dynamic: material_accumulation = DerivativeVar( material_holdup, wrt=self.flowsheet().time, doc="Material accumulation for in element", units=mb_units, ) self.add_component( stream + "_material_accumulation", material_accumulation, ) # Add homogeneous rate reaction terms (if required) if sconfig.has_rate_reactions: if not hasattr(sconfig.reaction_package, "rate_reaction_idx"): raise PropertyNotSupportedError( f"Reaction package for {stream} does not contain a list of " "rate reactions (rate_reaction_idx), thus " "does not support rate-based reactions." ) # Add extents of reaction and stoichiometric constraints # We will assume the user will define how extent will be calculated rate_reaction_extent = Var( self.flowsheet().time, self.elements, sconfig.reaction_package.rate_reaction_idx, domain=Reals, initialize=0.0, doc=f"Extent of rate-based reactions in stream {stream}", units=mb_units, ) self.add_component( stream + "_rate_reaction_extent", rate_reaction_extent, ) rate_reaction_generation = Var( self.flowsheet().time, self.elements, pc_set, domain=Reals, initialize=0.0, doc=f"Generation due to rate-based reactions in stream {stream}", units=mb_units, ) self.add_component( stream + "_rate_reaction_generation", rate_reaction_generation, ) rate_reaction_constraint = Constraint( self.flowsheet().time, self.elements, pc_set, doc=f"Rate-based reaction stoichiometry for stream {stream}", rule=partial( _rate_reaction_rule, stream=stream, rblock=reaction_block, generation=rate_reaction_generation, extent=rate_reaction_extent, ), ) self.add_component( stream + "_rate_reaction_constraint", rate_reaction_constraint, ) # Add equilibrium reaction terms (if required) if sconfig.has_equilibrium_reactions: if not hasattr(sconfig.reaction_package, "equilibrium_reaction_idx"): raise PropertyNotSupportedError( f"Reaction package for {stream} does not contain a list of " "equilibrium reactions (equilibrium_reaction_idx), thus " "does not support equilibrium-based reactions." ) # Add extents of reaction and stoichiometric constraints equilibrium_reaction_extent = Var( self.flowsheet().time, self.elements, sconfig.reaction_package.equilibrium_reaction_idx, domain=Reals, initialize=0.0, doc=f"Extent of equilibrium reactions in stream {stream}", units=mb_units, ) self.add_component( stream + "_equilibrium_reaction_extent", equilibrium_reaction_extent, ) equilibrium_reaction_generation = Var( self.flowsheet().time, self.elements, pc_set, domain=Reals, initialize=0.0, doc=f"Generation due to equilibrium reactions in stream {stream}", units=mb_units, ) self.add_component( stream + "_equilibrium_reaction_generation", equilibrium_reaction_generation, ) equilibrium_reaction_constraint = Constraint( self.flowsheet().time, self.elements, pc_set, doc=f"Equilibrium reaction stoichiometry for stream {stream}", rule=partial( _equilibrium_reaction_rule, stream=stream, rblock=reaction_block, generation=equilibrium_reaction_generation, extent=equilibrium_reaction_extent, ), ) self.add_component( stream + "_equilibrium_reaction_constraint", equilibrium_reaction_constraint, ) # Inherent reaction terms (if required) if state_block.include_inherent_reactions: # Add extents of reaction and stoichiometric constraints inherent_reaction_extent = Var( self.flowsheet().time, self.elements, state_block.params.inherent_reaction_idx, domain=Reals, initialize=0.0, doc=f"Extent of inherent reactions in stream {stream}", units=mb_units, ) self.add_component( stream + "_inherent_reaction_extent", inherent_reaction_extent, ) inherent_reaction_generation = Var( self.flowsheet().time, self.elements, pc_set, domain=Reals, initialize=0.0, doc=f"Generation due to inherent reactions in stream {stream}", units=mb_units, ) self.add_component( stream + "_inherent_reaction_generation", inherent_reaction_generation, ) inherent_reaction_constraint = Constraint( self.flowsheet().time, self.elements, pc_set, doc=f"Inherent reaction stoichiometry for stream {stream}", rule=partial( _inherent_reaction_rule, stream=stream, generation=inherent_reaction_generation, extent=inherent_reaction_extent, ), ) self.add_component( stream + "_inherent_reaction_constraint", inherent_reaction_constraint, ) # Add heterogeneous reaction terms (if required) if hasattr(self, "heterogeneous_reactions"): heterogeneous_reactions_generation = Var( self.flowsheet().time, self.elements, pc_set, domain=Reals, initialize=0.0, doc="Generation due to heterogeneous reactions", units=mb_units, ) self.add_component( stream + "_heterogeneous_reactions_generation", heterogeneous_reactions_generation, ) heterogeneous_reaction_constraint = Constraint( self.flowsheet().time, self.elements, pc_set, doc="Heterogeneous reaction stoichiometry constraint", rule=partial( _heterogeneous_reaction_rule, pc_set=pc_set, generation=heterogeneous_reactions_generation, ), ) self.add_component( stream + "_heterogeneous_reaction_constraint", heterogeneous_reaction_constraint, ) # Material balance for stream mbal = Constraint( self.flowsheet().time, self.elements, component_list, rule=partial( _material_balance_rule, stream=stream, mb_units=mb_units, ), ) self.add_component(stream + "_material_balance", mbal) def _build_energy_balance_constraints(self): # Energy Balances for stream, pconfig in self.config.streams.items(): if pconfig.has_energy_balance: state_block = getattr(self, stream) phase_list = state_block.phase_list # Material holdup and accumulation if self.config.has_holdup: energy_holdup = Var( self.flowsheet().time, self.elements, phase_list, domain=Reals, initialize=1.0, doc="Energy holdup of stream in element", units=self.uom.ENERGY, ) self.add_component( stream + "_energy_holdup", energy_holdup, ) energy_holdup_eq = Constraint( self.flowsheet().time, self.elements, phase_list, doc=f"Energy holdup constraint for stream {stream}", rule=partial( _energy_holdup_rule, stream=stream, ), ) self.add_component( stream + "_energy_holdup_constraint", energy_holdup_eq, ) if self.config.dynamic: energy_accumulation = DerivativeVar( energy_holdup, wrt=self.flowsheet().time, doc="Energy accumulation for in element", units=self.uom.POWER, ) self.add_component( stream + "_energy_accumulation", energy_accumulation, ) if pconfig.has_heat_transfer: heat = Var( self.flowsheet().time, self.elements, initialize=0, units=self.uom.POWER, doc=f"External heat transfer term for stream {stream}", ) self.add_component(stream + "_heat", heat) ebal = Constraint( self.flowsheet().time, self.elements, rule=partial( _energy_balance_rule, stream=stream, uom=self.uom, ), ) self.add_component(stream + "_energy_balance", ebal) def _build_pressure_balance_constraints(self): # Pressure Balances for stream, pconfig in self.config.streams.items(): if pconfig.has_pressure_balance: if pconfig.has_pressure_change: deltaP = Var( self.flowsheet().time, self.elements, initialize=0, units=self.uom.PRESSURE, doc=f"DeltaP term for stream {stream}", ) self.add_component(stream + "_deltaP", deltaP) pbal = Constraint( self.flowsheet().time, self.elements, rule=partial( _pressure_balance_rule, stream=stream, uom=self.uom, ), ) self.add_component(stream + "_pressure_balance", pbal) # Add side stream pressure equality if required if hasattr(self, stream + "_side_stream_state"): side_set = getattr(self, stream + "_side_stream_set") side_pbal = Constraint( self.flowsheet().time, side_set, rule=partial(_side_stream_pressure_rule, stream=stream), ) self.add_component( stream + "_side_stream_pressure_balance", side_pbal ) def _build_ports(self): # Add Ports for stream, pconfig in self.config.streams.items(): sblock = getattr(self, stream) flow_dir = pconfig.flow_direction if pconfig.has_feed: inlet_state = getattr(self, stream + "_inlet_state") in_port, _ = inlet_state.build_port( f"{stream} Inlet", slice_index=(slice(None)) ) self.add_component(stream + "_inlet", in_port) if flow_dir == FlowDirection.forward: outlet = self.elements.last() elif flow_dir == FlowDirection.backward: outlet = self.elements.first() else: raise BurntToast("If/else overrun when constructing Ports") out_port, _ = sblock.build_port( f"{stream} Outlet", slice_index=(slice(None), outlet) ) self.add_component(stream + "_outlet", out_port) # TODO: Initialization - use the new framework def initialize(self, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError( "The MSContactor unit model does not support the old initialization API. " "Please use the new API (InitializerObjects) instead." ) def _get_performance_contents(self, time_point=0): # Due to the flexibility of the MSContactor and the number of possible terms # that could be included here, we will leave this up to the user to define. return {} def _get_stream_table_contents(self, time_point=0): stream_attributes = {} stream_attributes["Units"] = {} sblocks = {} for stream, pconfig in self.config.streams.items(): sblock = getattr(self, stream) flow_dir = pconfig.flow_direction if pconfig.has_feed: inlet_state = getattr(self, stream + "_inlet_state") sblocks[stream + " Inlet"] = inlet_state[time_point] if flow_dir == FlowDirection.forward: outlet = self.elements.last() elif flow_dir == FlowDirection.backward: outlet = self.elements.first() else: raise BurntToast("If/else overrun when constructing stream table") sblocks[stream + " Outlet"] = sblock[time_point, outlet] for n, v in sblocks.items(): dvars = v.define_display_vars() stream_attributes[n] = {} for k in dvars: for i in dvars[k].keys(): stream_key = k if i is None else f"{k} {i}" quant = report_quantity(dvars[k][i]) stream_attributes[n][stream_key] = quant.m stream_attributes["Units"][stream_key] = quant.u return DataFrame.from_dict(stream_attributes, orient="columns") def _get_state_blocks(blk, t, s, stream): """ Utility method for collecting states representing flows into and out of a stage for a given stream. """ state_block = getattr(blk, stream) if blk.config.streams[stream].flow_direction == FlowDirection.forward: if s == blk.elements.first(): if not blk.config.streams[stream].has_feed: in_state = None else: in_state = getattr(blk, stream + "_inlet_state")[t] else: in_state = state_block[t, blk.elements.prev(s)] elif blk.config.streams[stream].flow_direction == FlowDirection.backward: if s == blk.elements.last(): if not blk.config.streams[stream].has_feed: in_state = None else: in_state = getattr(blk, stream + "_inlet_state")[t] else: in_state = state_block[t,] else: raise BurntToast("If/else overrun when constructing balances") out_state = state_block[t, s] # Look for side state side_state = None if hasattr(blk, stream + "_side_stream_state"): try: side_state = getattr(blk, stream + "_side_stream_state")[t, s] except KeyError: pass return in_state, out_state, side_state def _rate_reaction_rule(blk, t, s, p, j, stream, rblock, generation, extent): sconfig = blk.config.streams[stream] sblock = getattr(blk, stream) pc_set = sblock.phase_component_set if (p, j) in pc_set: return generation[t, s, p, j] == ( sum( rblock[t, s].params.rate_reaction_stoichiometry[r, p, j] * extent[t, s, r] for r in sconfig.reaction_package.rate_reaction_idx ) ) return Constraint.Skip def _equilibrium_reaction_rule(blk, t, s, p, j, stream, rblock, generation, extent): sconfig = blk.config.streams[stream] sblock = getattr(blk, stream) pc_set = sblock.phase_component_set if (p, j) in pc_set: return generation[t, s, p, j] == ( sum( rblock[t, s].params.equilibrium_reaction_stoichiometry[r, p, j] * extent[t, s, r] for r in sconfig.reaction_package.equilibrium_reaction_idx ) ) return Constraint.Skip def _inherent_reaction_rule(blk, t, s, p, j, stream, generation, extent): sconfig = blk.config.streams[stream] sblock = getattr(blk, stream) pc_set = sblock.phase_component_set if (p, j) in pc_set: return generation[t, s, p, j] == ( sum( sblock[t, s].params.inherent_reaction_stoichiometry[r, p, j] * extent[t, s, r] for r in sconfig.property_package.inherent_reaction_idx ) ) return Constraint.Skip def _heterogeneous_reaction_rule(blk, t, s, p, j, pc_set, generation): if (p, j) in pc_set: return generation[t, s, p, j] == ( sum( blk.heterogeneous_reactions[t, s].params.reaction_stoichiometry[r, p, j] * blk.heterogeneous_reaction_extent[t, s, r] for r in blk.config.heterogeneous_reactions.reaction_idx if (r, p, j) in blk.heterogeneous_reactions[t, s].params.reaction_stoichiometry ) ) return Constraint.Skip def _material_balance_rule(blk, t, s, j, stream, mb_units): sconfig = blk.config.streams[stream] state_block = getattr(blk, stream) phase_list = state_block.phase_list pc_set = state_block.phase_component_set in_state, out_state, side_state = _get_state_blocks(blk, t, s, stream) if in_state is not None: rhs = sum( in_state.get_material_flow_terms(p, j) for p in phase_list if (p, j) in pc_set ) - sum( out_state.get_material_flow_terms(p, j) for p in phase_list if (p, j) in pc_set ) else: rhs = -sum( out_state.get_material_flow_terms(p, j) for p in phase_list if (p, j) in pc_set ) # Add side stream energy flow if required if side_state is not None: rhs += sum( side_state.get_material_flow_terms(p, j) for p in phase_list if (p, j) in pc_set ) # As overall units come from the first StateBlock constructed, we # cannot guarantee that any units are consistent, so convert all flow terms if mb_units is not None: rhs = units.convert(rhs, mb_units) # Add mass transfer terms for k in blk.stream_component_interactions: if k[0] == stream and k[2] == j: # Positive mass transfer rhs += blk.material_transfer_term[t, s, k] elif k[1] == stream and k[2] == j: # Negative mass transfer rhs += -blk.material_transfer_term[t, s, k] # Add rate reactions (if required) if sconfig.has_rate_reactions: rhs += sum( getattr( blk, stream + "_rate_reaction_generation", )[t, s, p, j] for p in phase_list ) # Add equilibrium reactions (if required) if sconfig.has_equilibrium_reactions: rhs += sum( getattr( blk, stream + "_equilibrium_reaction_generation", )[t, s, p, j] for p in phase_list ) # Add inherent reactions (if required) if state_block.include_inherent_reactions: rhs += sum( getattr( blk, stream + "_inherent_reaction_generation", )[t, s, p, j] for p in phase_list ) # Add heterogeneous reactions (if required) if blk.config.heterogeneous_reactions is not None: rhs += sum( getattr( blk, stream + "_heterogeneous_reactions_generation", )[t, s, p, j] for p in phase_list ) if not blk.config.dynamic: lhs = 0 * mb_units else: acc = getattr(blk, stream + "_material_accumulation") lhs = sum(acc[t, s, p, j] for p in phase_list) if mb_units is not None: lhs = units.convert(lhs, mb_units) return lhs == rhs def _get_energy_transfer_term(blk, uom): try: return blk.energy_transfer_term except AttributeError: # Assume that if energy balances are enabled that energy transfer # occurs between all interacting phases. # For now, we will not distinguish different types of energy transfer. # Convention is that a positive material flow term indicates flow into # the first stream from the second stream. blk.energy_transfer_term = Var( blk.flowsheet().time, blk.elements, blk.stream_interactions, initialize=0, units=uom.POWER, doc="Inter-stream energy transfer term", ) return blk.energy_transfer_term def _energy_balance_rule(blk, t, s, stream, uom): pconfig = blk.config.streams[stream] state_block = getattr(blk, stream) phase_list = state_block.phase_list in_state, out_state, side_state = _get_state_blocks(blk, t, s, stream) if in_state is not None: rhs = sum(in_state.get_enthalpy_flow_terms(p) for p in phase_list) - sum( out_state.get_enthalpy_flow_terms(p) for p in phase_list ) else: rhs = -sum(out_state.get_enthalpy_flow_terms(p) for p in phase_list) # Add side stream energy flow if required if side_state is not None: rhs += sum(side_state.get_enthalpy_flow_terms(p) for p in phase_list) # As overall units come from the first StateBlock constructed, we # cannot guarantee that any units are consistent, so convert all flow terms rhs = units.convert(rhs, uom.POWER) # Add interstream transfer terms for k in blk.stream_interactions: ett = _get_energy_transfer_term(blk, uom) if k[0] == stream: # Positive mass transfer rhs += ett[t, s, k] elif k[1] == stream: # Negative mass transfer rhs += -ett[t, s, k] # Add external heat term if required if pconfig.has_heat_transfer: rhs += getattr(blk, stream + "_heat")[t, s] # Add heat of reaction terms if required if pconfig.has_heat_of_reaction: if not ( hasattr(blk, stream + "_rate_reaction_extent") or hasattr(blk, stream + "_equilibrium_reaction_extent") ): raise ConfigurationError( f"Stream {stream} was set to include heats of reaction, " "but no extent of reactions terms could be found. " "Please ensure that you defined a reaction package for this " "stream and that the material balances were set to include " "reactions." ) reactions = getattr(blk, stream + "_reactions") if hasattr(blk, stream + "_rate_reaction_extent"): rate_extent = getattr(blk, stream + "_rate_reaction_extent") rhs += -sum( rate_extent[t, s, r] * reactions[t, s].dh_rxn[r] for r in pconfig.reaction_package.rate_reaction_idx ) if hasattr(blk, stream + "_equilibrium_reaction_extent"): equil_extent = getattr(blk, stream + "_equilibrium_reaction_extent") rhs += -sum( equil_extent[t, s, e] * reactions[t, s].dh_rxn[e] for e in pconfig.reaction_package.equilibrium_reaction_idx ) if not blk.config.dynamic: lhs = 0 * uom.POWER else: acc = getattr(blk, stream + "_energy_accumulation") lhs = units.convert(sum(acc[t, s, p] for p in phase_list), uom.POWER) return lhs == rhs def _pressure_balance_rule(blk, t, s, stream, uom): pconfig = blk.config.streams[stream] in_state, out_state, _ = _get_state_blocks(blk, t, s, stream) if in_state is None: # If there is no feed, then there is no need for a pressure balance return Constraint.Skip rhs = in_state.pressure - out_state.pressure # As overall units come from the first StateBlock constructed, we # cannot guarantee that any units are consistent, so convert all flow terms rhs = units.convert(rhs, uom.PRESSURE) # Add deltaP term if required if pconfig.has_pressure_change: rhs += getattr(blk, stream + "_deltaP")[t, s] return 0 * uom.PRESSURE == rhs def _side_stream_pressure_rule(b, t, s, stream): stage_state = getattr(b, stream)[t, s] side_state = getattr(b, stream + "_side_stream_state")[t, s] return stage_state.pressure == side_state.pressure def _holdup_rule(b, t, e, p, j, stream): holdup = getattr(b, stream + "_material_holdup") stage_state = getattr(b, stream)[t, e] phase_frac = getattr(b, stream + "_phase_fraction") return holdup[t, e, p, j] == ( b.volume[e] * b.volume_frac_stream[t, e, stream] * phase_frac[t, e, p] * stage_state.get_material_density_terms(p, j) ) def _energy_holdup_rule(b, t, e, p, stream): holdup = getattr(b, stream + "_energy_holdup") stage_state = getattr(b, stream)[t, e] phase_frac = getattr(b, stream + "_phase_fraction") return holdup[t, e, p] == ( b.volume[e] * b.volume_frac_stream[t, e, stream] * phase_frac[t, e, p] * stage_state.get_energy_density_terms(p) ) def _add_phase_fractions(b, stream, phase_list): if len(phase_list) > 1: phase_fraction = Var( b.flowsheet().time, b.elements, phase_list, initialize=1 / len(phase_list), doc=f"Volume fraction of holdup by phase in stream {stream}", ) b.add_component(stream + "_phase_fraction", phase_fraction) sum_of_phase_fractions = Constraint( b.flowsheet().time, b.elements, rule=partial( _sum_phase_frac_rule, phase_frac=phase_fraction, phase_list=phase_list ), doc=f"Sum of phase fractions constraint for stream {stream}", ) b.add_component(stream + "_sum_phase_fractions", sum_of_phase_fractions) else: def phase_frac_rule(b, t, x, p): return 1 phase_fraction = Expression( b.flowsheet().time, b.elements, phase_list, rule=phase_frac_rule, doc=f"Volume fraction of holdup by phase in stream {stream}", ) b.add_component(stream + "_phase_fraction", phase_fraction) def _sum_phase_frac_rule(b, t, x, phase_frac, phase_list): return 1 == sum(phase_frac[t, x, p] for p in phase_list)