Ideal Gases and Liquids (Ideal)#


Ideal behavior represents the simplest possible equation of state that ensures thermodynamic consistency between different properties.

Critical Properties of Mixtures#

The Ideal Equation of State module does not support the calculation of mixture critical properties as the ideal equation of state cannot represent the critical point.

Mass Density by Phase#

The following equation is used for both liquid and vapor phases, where \(p\) indicates a given phase:

\[\rho_{mass, p} = \rho_{mol, p} \times MW_p\]

where \(MW_p\) is the mixture molecular weight of phase \(p\).

Molar Density by Phase#

For the vapor phase, the Ideal Gas Equation is used to calculate the molar density;

\[\rho_{mol, Vap} = \frac{P}{RT}\]

whilst for the liquid phase the molar density is the weighted sum of the pure component liquid densities:

\[\rho_{mol, Liq} = \sum_j{x_{Liq, j} \times \rho_{Liq, j}}\]

where \(x_{Liq, j}\) is the mole fraction of component \(j\) in the liquid phase.

Molar Enthalpy by Phase#

For both liquid and vapor phases, the molar enthalpy is calculated as the weighted sum of the component molar enthalpies for the given phase:

\[h_{mol, p} = \sum_j{x_{p, j} \times h_{mol, p, j}}\]

where \(x_{p, j}\) is the mole fraction of component \(j\) in the phase \(p\).

Component Molar Enthalpy by Phase#

Component molar enthalpies by phase are calculated using the pure component method provided by the users in the property package configuration arguments.

Molar Entropy by Phase#

For both liquid and vapor phases, the molar entropy is calculated as the weighted sum of the component molar entropies for the given phase:

\[s_{mol, p} = \sum_j{x_{p, j} \times s_{mol, p, j}}\]

where \(x_{p, j}\) is the mole fraction of component \(j\) in the phase \(p\).

Component Molar Entropy by Phase#

Component molar entropies by phase are calculated using the pure component method provided by the users in the property package configuration arguments.

Component Fugacity by Phase#

For the vapor phase, ideal behavior is assumed:

\[f_{Vap, j} = P\]

For the liquid phase, Raoult’s Law is used:

\[f_{Liq, j} = P_{sat, j}\]

Component Fugacity Coefficient by Phase#

Ideal behavior is assumed, so all \(\phi_{p, j} = 1\) for all components and phases.

Molar Gibbs Energy by Phase#

For both liquid and vapor phases, the molar Gibbs energy is calculated as the weighted sum of the component molar Gibbs energies for the given phase:

\[g_{mol, p} = \sum_j{x_{p, j} \times g_{mol, p, j}}\]

where \(x_{p, j}\) is the mole fraction of component \(j\) in the phase \(p\).

Component Gibbs Energy by Phase#

Component molar Gibbs energies are calculated using the definition of Gibbs energy:

\[g_{mol, p, j} = h_{mol, p, j} - s_{mol, p, j} \times T\]