Flowsheet Block#
Default Property Packages#
Flowsheet Blocks may assign a property package to use as a default for all UnitModels within the Flowsheet. If a specific property package is not provided as an argument when constructing a UnitModel, the UnitModel will search up the model tree until it finds a default property package declared. The UnitModel will use the first default property package it finds during the search, and will return an error if no default is found.
Flowsheet Configuration Arguments#
Flowsheet blocks have three configuration arguments which are stored within a Config block (flowsheet.config). These arguments can be set by passing arguments when instantiating the class, and are described below:
dynamic - indicates whether the flowsheet should be dynamic or steady-state. If dynamic = True, the flowsheet is declared to be a dynamic flowsheet, and the time domain will be a Pyomo ContinuousSet. If dynamic = False, the flowsheet is declared to be steady-state, and the time domain will be an ordered Pyomo Set. For top level Flowsheets, dynamic defaults to False if not provided. For lower level Flowsheets, the dynamic will take the same value as that of the parent model if not provided. It is possible to declare steady-state sub-Flowsheets as part of dynamic Flowsheets if desired, however the reverse is not true (cannot have dynamic Flowsheets within steady-state Flowsheets).
time - a reference to the time domain for the flowsheet. During flowsheet creation, users may provide a Set or ContinuousSet that the flowsheet should use as the time domain. If not provided, then the flowsheet will look for a parent flowsheet and set this equal to the parent’s time domain, otherwise a new time domain will be created and assigned here.
time_units - used to specify the units of the time domain, and must be a Pyomo Unit object (cannot be a compound unit). This is necessary for dynamic flowsheets, but can be neglected in steady-state cases. In cases where the time domain is inherited from a parent flowsheet, the time units will also be inherited.
time_set - used to initialize the time domain in top-level Flowsheets. When constructing the time domain in top-level Flowsheets, time_set is used to initialize the ContinuousSet or Set created. This can be used to set start and end times, and to establish points of interest in time (e.g. times when disturbances will occur). If dynamic = True, time_set defaults to [0.0, 1.0] if not provided, if dynamic = False time_set defaults to [0.0]. time_set is not used in sub-Flowsheets and will be ignored.
default_property_package - can be used to assign the default property package for a Flowsheet. Defaults to None if not provided.
Flowsheet Classes#
- class idaes.core.base.flowsheet_model.FlowsheetBlockData(component)[source]#
The FlowsheetBlockData Class forms the base class for all IDAES process flowsheet models. The main purpose of this class is to automate the tasks common to all flowsheet models and ensure that the necessary attributes of a flowsheet model are present.
The most signfiicant role of the FlowsheetBlockData class is to automatically create the time domain for the flowsheet.
- build()[source]#
General build method for FlowsheetBlockData. This method calls a number of sub-methods which automate the construction of expected attributes of flowsheets.
Inheriting models should call super().build.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- is_flowsheet()[source]#
Method which returns True to indicate that this component is a flowsheet.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- model_check()[source]#
This method runs model checks on all unit models in a flowsheet.
This method searches for objects which inherit from UnitModelBlockData and executes the model_check method if it exists.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- stream_table(true_state=False, time_point=0, orient='columns')[source]#
Method to generate a stream table by iterating over all Arcs in the flowsheet.
- Parameters:
true_state – whether the state variables (True) or display variables (False, default) from the StateBlocks should be used in the stream table.
time_point – point in the time domain at which to create stream table (default = 0)
orient – whether stream should be shown by columns (“columns”) or rows (“index”)
- Returns:
A pandas dataframe containing stream table information
- visualize(model_name, **kwargs)[source]#
Starts up a flask server that serializes the model and pops up a webpage with the visualization
- Parameters:
model_name – The name of the model
- Keyword Arguments:
**kwargs – Additional keywords for
- Returns:
instance returned byUI.visualize()
- Return type:
- class idaes.core.base.flowsheet_model.FlowsheetBlock(*args, **kwds)#
FlowsheetBlock is a specialized Pyomo block for IDAES flowsheet models, and contains instances of FlowsheetBlockData.
- Parameters:
rule (function) – A rule function or None. Default rule calls build().
concrete (bool) – If True, make this a toplevel model. Default - False.
ctype (class) –
Pyomo ctype of the block. Default - pyomo.environ.Block
Config args
- dynamic
Indicates whether this model will be dynamic, default - useDefault. Valid values: { useDefault - get flag from parent or False, True - set as a dynamic model, False - set as a steady-state model.}
- time
Pointer to the time domain for the flowsheet. Users may provide an existing time domain from another flowsheet, otherwise the flowsheet will search for a parent with a time domain or create a new time domain and reference it here.
- time_set
Set of points for initializing time domain. This should be a list of floating point numbers, default - [0].
- time_units
Pyomo Units object describing the units of the time domain. This must be defined for dynamic simulations, default = None.
- default_property_package
Indicates the default property package to be used by models within this flowsheet if not otherwise specified, default - None. Valid values: { None - no default property package, a ParameterBlock object.}
initialize (dict) – ProcessBlockData config for individual elements. Keys are BlockData indexes and values are dictionaries with config arguments as keys.
idx_map (function) – Function to take the index of a BlockData element and return the index in the initialize dict from which to read arguments. This can be provided to override the default behavior of matching the BlockData index exactly to the index in initialize.
- Returns:
(FlowsheetBlock) New instance