Source code for idaes.apps.grid_integration.bidder

# The Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Integrated Platform
# Framework (IDAES IP) was produced under the DOE Institute for the
# Design of Advanced Energy Systems (IDAES).
# Copyright (c) 2018-2024 by the software owners: The Regents of the
# University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
# National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon
# University, West Virginia University Research Corporation, et al.
# All rights reserved.  Please see the files and
# for full copyright and license information.
import os
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import datetime
import pandas as pd
import pyomo.environ as pyo
from pyomo.opt.base.solvers import OptSolver
from pyomo.common.dependencies import attempt_import
from idaes.apps.grid_integration.utils import convert_marginal_costs_to_actual_costs
import idaes.logger as idaeslog

egret, egret_avail = attempt_import("egret")
if egret_avail:
    from egret.model_library.transmission import tx_utils

_logger = idaeslog.getLogger(__name__)

class AbstractBidder(ABC):
    The abstract class for all the bidder and self-schedulers.

    def update_day_ahead_model(self, **kwargs):
        Update the day-ahead model (advance timesteps) with necessary parameters in kwargs.

            kwargs: necessary profiles to update the underlying model. {stat_name: [...]}


    def update_real_time_model(self, **kwargs):
        Update the real-time model (advance timesteps) with necessary parameters in kwargs.

            kwargs: necessary profiles to update the underlying model. {stat_name: [...]}


    def compute_day_ahead_bids(self, date, hour, **kwargs):
        Solve the model to bid/self-schedule into the day-ahead market. After solving,
        record the schedule from the solve.


            date: current simulation date

            hour: current simulation hour

            **kwargs: other information to record


    def compute_real_time_bids(self, date, hour, **kwargs):
        Solve the model to bid/self-schedule into the real-time market. After solving,
        record the schedule from the solve.


            date: current simulation date

            hour: current simulation hour

            **kwargs: other information to record


    def write_results(self, path):
        This methods writes the saved results into an csv file.

            path: the path to write the results.


    def formulate_DA_bidding_problem(self):
        Formulate the day-ahead bidding optimization problem by adding necessary
        parameters, constraints, and objective function.



    def formulate_RT_bidding_problem(self):
        Formulate the real-time bidding optimization problem by adding necessary
        parameters, constraints, and objective function.



    def record_bids(self, bids, model, date, hour):
        This function records the bids (schedule) and the details in the
        underlying bidding model.

            bids: the obtained bids for this date

            model: the model we obtained bids from

            date: the date we bid into

            hour: the hour we bid into



    def generator(self):
        return "AbstractGenerator"

    def _check_inputs(self):
        Check if the inputs to construct the tracker is valid. If not raise errors.


    def _check_bidding_model_object(self):
        Check if tracking model object has the necessary methods and attributes.

        method_list = ["populate_model", "update_model"]
        attr_list = ["power_output", "total_cost", "model_data"]
        msg = "Bidding model object does not have a "

        for m in method_list:
            obtained_m = getattr(self.bidding_model_object, m, None)
            if obtained_m is None:
                raise AttributeError(
                    + f"{m}() method. The bidder object needs the users to implement this method in their model object."

        for attr in attr_list:
            obtained_attr = getattr(self.bidding_model_object, attr, None)
            if obtained_attr is None:
                raise AttributeError(
                    + f"{attr} property. The bidder object needs the users to specify this property in their model object."

    def _check_n_scenario(self):
        Check if the number of LMP scenarios is an integer and greater than 0.

        # check if it is an integer
        if not isinstance(self.n_scenario, int):
            raise TypeError(
                f"The number of LMP scenarios should be an integer, but a {type(self.n_scenario).__name__} was given."

        if self.n_scenario <= 0:
            raise ValueError(
                f"The number of LMP scenarios should be greater than zero, but {self.n_scenario} was given."

    def _check_solver(self):
        Check if provides solver is a valid Pyomo solver object.

        if not isinstance(self.solver, OptSolver):
            raise TypeError(
                f"The provided solver {self.solver} is not a valid Pyomo solver."

class StochasticProgramBidder(AbstractBidder):
    Template class for bidders that use scenario-based stochastic programs.

    def __init__(
        Initializes the stochastic bidder object.

            bidding_model_object: the model object for bidding

            day_ahead_horizon: number of time periods in the day-ahead bidding problem

            real_time_horizon: number of time periods in the real-time bidding problem

            n_scenario: number of uncertain LMP scenarios

            solver: a Pyomo mathematical programming solver object

            forecaster: an initialized LMP forecaster object

            real_time_underbid_penalty: penalty for RT power bid that's less than DA power bid, non-negative


        self.bidding_model_object = bidding_model_object
        self.day_ahead_horizon = day_ahead_horizon
        self.real_time_horizon = real_time_horizon
        self.n_scenario = n_scenario
        self.solver = solver
        self.forecaster = forecaster
        self.real_time_underbid_penalty = real_time_underbid_penalty


        self.generator = self.bidding_model_object.model_data.gen_name

        # day-ahead model
        self.day_ahead_model = self.formulate_DA_bidding_problem()
        self.real_time_model = self.formulate_RT_bidding_problem()

        # declare a list to store results
        self.bids_result_list = []

    def _set_up_bidding_problem(self, horizon):
        Set up the base stochastic programming bidding problems.

            horizon: number of time periods in the bidding problem

            pyomo.core.base.PyomoModel.ConcreteModel: base bidding model


        model = pyo.ConcreteModel()

        model.SCENARIOS = pyo.Set(initialize=range(self.n_scenario))

        model.fs = pyo.Block(model.SCENARIOS)
        for i in model.SCENARIOS:
            self.bidding_model_object.populate_model(model.fs[i], horizon)



        return model

    def formulate_DA_bidding_problem(self):
        Set up the day-ahead stochastic programming bidding problems.

            pyomo.core.base.PyomoModel.ConcreteModel: base bidding model


        model = self._set_up_bidding_problem(self.day_ahead_horizon)

        # do not relax the DA offering UB
        for i in model.SCENARIOS:

        return model

    def formulate_RT_bidding_problem(self):
        Set up the real-time stochastic programming bidding problems.

            pyomo.core.base.PyomoModel.ConcreteModel: base bidding model


        model = self._set_up_bidding_problem(self.real_time_horizon)

        # relax the DA offering UB
        for i in model.SCENARIOS:

        return model

    def _save_power_outputs(self, model):
        Create references of the power output variable in each price scenario



        for i in model.SCENARIOS:
            # get the power output
            power_output_name = self.bidding_model_object.power_output
            model.fs[i].power_output_ref = pyo.Reference(
                getattr(model.fs[i], power_output_name)


    def _add_bidding_params(self, model):
        Add necessary bidding parameters to the model, i.e., market energy price.

            model: bidding model


        for i in model.SCENARIOS:
            time_index = model.fs[i].power_output_ref.index_set()
            model.fs[i].day_ahead_energy_price = pyo.Param(
                time_index, initialize=0, mutable=True
            model.fs[i].real_time_energy_price = pyo.Param(
                time_index, initialize=0, mutable=True
            model.fs[i].real_time_underbid_penalty = pyo.Param(
                initialize=self.real_time_underbid_penalty, mutable=True


    def _add_bidding_vars(self, model):
        Add necessary bidding parameters to the model, i.e., market energy price.

            model: bidding model


        def relaxed_day_ahead_power_ub_rule(fs, t):
            return (
                fs.power_output_ref[t] + fs.real_time_underbid_power[t]
                >= fs.day_ahead_power[t]

        for i in model.SCENARIOS:
            time_index = model.fs[i].power_output_ref.index_set()
            model.fs[i].day_ahead_power = pyo.Var(
                time_index, initialize=0, within=pyo.NonNegativeReals

            model.fs[i].real_time_underbid_power = pyo.Var(
                time_index, initialize=0, within=pyo.NonNegativeReals

            model.fs[i].day_ahead_power_ub = pyo.Constraint(
                time_index, rule=relaxed_day_ahead_power_ub_rule


    def _add_bidding_objective(self, model):
        Add objective function to the model, i.e., maximizing the expected profit
        of the energy system.

            model: bidding model


        # declare an empty objective
        model.obj = pyo.Objective(expr=0, sense=pyo.maximize)

        for k in model.SCENARIOS:
            time_index = model.fs[k].power_output_ref.index_set()

            # currently .total_cost is a tuple of 2 items
            # the first item is the name of the cost expression
            # the second item is the weight for the cost
            cost_name = self.bidding_model_object.total_cost[0]
            cost = getattr(model.fs[k], cost_name)
            weight = self.bidding_model_object.total_cost[1]

            for t in time_index:
                model.obj.expr += (
                    * model.fs[k].day_ahead_power[t]
                    + model.fs[k].real_time_energy_price[t]
                    * (model.fs[k].power_output_ref[t] - model.fs[k].day_ahead_power[t])
                    - weight * cost[t]
                    - model.fs[k].real_time_underbid_penalty
                    * model.fs[k].real_time_underbid_power[t]


    def _compute_bids(
        Solve the model to bid into the markets. After solving, record the bids from the solve.


            day_ahead_price: day-ahead price forecasts needed to solve the bidding problem

            real_time_energy_price: real-time price forecasts needed to solve the bidding problem

            date: current simulation date

            hour: current simulation hour

            model: bidding model

            power_var_name: the name of the power output (str)

            energy_price_param_name: the name of the energy price forecast params (str)

            market: the market name (str), e.g., Day-ahead, real-time

            dict: the obtained bids

        # update the price forecasts
        self._pass_price_forecasts(model, day_ahead_price, real_time_energy_price)

        self.solver.solve(model, tee=True)

        bids = self._assemble_bids(

        self.record_bids(bids, model=model, date=date, hour=hour, market=market)

        return bids

    def compute_day_ahead_bids(self, date, hour=0):
        Solve the model to bid into the day-ahead market. After solving, record
        the bids from the solve.


            date: current simulation date

            hour: current simulation hour

            dict: the obtained bids

        ) = self.forecaster.forecast_day_ahead_and_real_time_prices(

        return self._compute_bids(

    def compute_real_time_bids(
        self, date, hour, realized_day_ahead_prices, realized_day_ahead_dispatches
        Solve the model to bid into the real-time market. After solving, record
        the bids from the solve.


            date: current simulation date

            hour: current simulation hour

            dict: the obtained bids

        real_time_energy_price = self.forecaster.forecast_real_time_prices(

        self._pass_realized_day_ahead_dispatches(realized_day_ahead_dispatches, hour)
        self._pass_realized_day_ahead_prices(realized_day_ahead_prices, date, hour)

        return self._compute_bids(

    def _pass_realized_day_ahead_prices(self, realized_day_ahead_prices, date, hour):
        Pass the realized day-ahead prices into model parameters.

            realized_day_ahead_prices: realized day-ahead prices

            date: current simulation date

            hour: current simulation hour


        time_index = self.real_time_model.fs[0].day_ahead_energy_price.index_set()

        # forecast the day-ahead price, if not enough realized data
        if len(realized_day_ahead_prices[hour:]) < len(time_index):
            forecasts = self.forecaster.forecast_day_ahead_prices(
                date=date + datetime.timedelta(days=1),

        for s in self.real_time_model.SCENARIOS:
            for t in time_index:
                    price = realized_day_ahead_prices[t + hour]
                except IndexError:
                    self.real_time_model.fs[s].day_ahead_energy_price[t] = forecasts[s][
                        (t + hour) - 24
                    self.real_time_model.fs[s].day_ahead_energy_price[t] = price

    def _pass_realized_day_ahead_dispatches(self, realized_day_ahead_dispatches, hour):
        Pass the realized day-ahead dispatches into model and fix the corresponding variables.

            realized_day_ahead_dispatches: realized day-ahead dispatches

            hour: current simulation hour


        time_index = self.real_time_model.fs[0].day_ahead_power.index_set()
        for s in self.real_time_model.SCENARIOS:
            for t in time_index:
                    dispatch = realized_day_ahead_dispatches[t + hour]
                except IndexError:
                    # unrelax the DA offering UB
                    # relax the DA offering UB

    def update_day_ahead_model(self, **kwargs):
        This method updates the parameters in the day-ahead model based on the implemented profiles.

            kwargs: the newly implemented stats. {stat_name: [...]}


        self._update_model(self.day_ahead_model, **kwargs)

    def update_real_time_model(self, **kwargs):
        This method updates the parameters in the real-time model based on the implemented profiles.

            kwargs: the newly implemented stats. {stat_name: [...]}


        self._update_model(self.real_time_model, **kwargs)

    def _update_model(self, model, **kwargs):
        Update the flowsheets in all the price scenario blocks to advance time


            model: bidding model

            kwargs: necessary profiles to update the underlying model. {stat_name: [...]}


        for i in model.SCENARIOS:
            self.bidding_model_object.update_model(b=model.fs[i], **kwargs)


    def record_bids(self, bids, model, date, hour, market):
        This function records the bids and the details in the underlying bidding model.

            bids: the obtained bids for this date.

            model: bidding model

            date: the date we bid into

            hour: the hour we bid into



        # record bids
        self._record_bids(bids, date, hour, Market=market)

        # record the details of bidding model
        for i in model.SCENARIOS:
                model.fs[i], date=date, hour=hour, Scenario=i, Market=market


    def _pass_price_forecasts(self, model, day_ahead_price, real_time_energy_price):
        Pass the price forecasts into model parameters.

            day_ahead_price: day-ahead price forecasts needed to solve the bidding problem

            real_time_energy_price: real-time price forecasts needed to solve the bidding problem


        for i in model.SCENARIOS:

            time_index = model.fs[i].real_time_energy_price.index_set()

            if day_ahead_price is not None:
                for t, p in zip(time_index, day_ahead_price[i]):
                    model.fs[i].day_ahead_energy_price[t] = p

            for t, p in zip(time_index, real_time_energy_price[i]):
                model.fs[i].real_time_energy_price[t] = p


    def write_results(self, path):
        This methods writes the saved operation stats into an csv file.

            path: the path to write the results.

        """"Saving bidding results to disk.")
            os.path.join(path, "bidder_detail.csv"), index=False
            path=os.path.join(path, "bidding_model_detail.csv")


    def generator(self):
        return self._generator

    def generator(self, name):
        self._generator = name

[docs]class SelfScheduler(StochasticProgramBidder): """ Wrap a model object to self schedule into the market using stochastic programming. """ def __init__( self, bidding_model_object, day_ahead_horizon, real_time_horizon, n_scenario, solver, forecaster, real_time_underbid_penalty=10000, fixed_to_schedule=False, ): """ Initializes the stochastic self-scheduler object. Arguments: bidding_model_object: the model object for bidding day_ahead_horizon: number of time periods in the day-ahead bidding problem real_time_horizon: number of time periods in the real-time bidding problem n_scenario: number of uncertain LMP scenarios solver: a Pyomo mathematical programming solver object forecaster: an initialized LMP forecaster object fixed_to_schedule: If True, force market simulator to give the same schedule. Returns: None """ super().__init__( bidding_model_object, day_ahead_horizon, real_time_horizon, n_scenario, solver, forecaster, real_time_underbid_penalty, ) self.fixed_to_schedule = fixed_to_schedule def _add_DA_bidding_constraints(self, model): """ Add bidding constraints to the model, i.e., power outputs in the first stage need to be the same across all the scenarios. Arguments: model: bidding model Returns: None """ # nonanticipativity constraints def day_ahead_bidding_constraints_rule(model, s1, s2, t): if s1 == s2: return pyo.Constraint.Skip return model.fs[s1].day_ahead_power[t] == model.fs[s2].day_ahead_power[t] time_index = model.fs[model.SCENARIOS.first()].power_output_ref.index_set() model.day_ahead_bidding_constraints = pyo.Constraint( model.SCENARIOS, model.SCENARIOS, time_index, rule=day_ahead_bidding_constraints_rule, ) return def _add_RT_bidding_constraints(self, model): """ Add bidding constraints to the model, i.e., power outputs in the first stage need to be the same across all the scenarios. Arguments: model: bidding model Returns: None """ # nonanticipativity constraints def real_time_bidding_constraints_rule(model, s1, s2, t): if s1 == s2: return pyo.Constraint.Skip return model.fs[s1].power_output_ref[t] == model.fs[s2].power_output_ref[t] time_index = model.fs[model.SCENARIOS.first()].power_output_ref.index_set() model.real_time_bidding_constraints = pyo.Constraint( model.SCENARIOS, model.SCENARIOS, time_index, rule=real_time_bidding_constraints_rule, ) return def _assemble_bids(self, model, power_var_name, energy_price_param_name, hour): """ This methods extract the bids out of the stochastic programming model and organize them into self-schedule bids. For thermal generators, startup times and costs are set to 0. And the bid price for power outside of p_min and p_max are 0. Arguments: model: bidding model power_var_name: the name of the power output (str) energy_price_param_name: the name of the energy price forecast params (str) hour: current simulation hour Returns: dict: the bid we computed. """ bids = {} is_thermal = self.bidding_model_object.model_data.generator_type == "thermal" power_output_var = getattr(model.fs[0], power_var_name) time_index = power_output_var.index_set() for t_idx in time_index: t = t_idx + hour bids[t] = {} bids[t][self.generator] = { "p_max": round(pyo.value(power_output_var[t_idx]), 4), "p_min": self.bidding_model_object.model_data.p_min, } if self.fixed_to_schedule: bids[t][self.generator]["p_min"] = bids[t][self.generator]["p_max"] bids[t][self.generator]["fixed_commitment"] = ( 1 if bids[t][self.generator]["p_min"] > 0 else 0 ) if is_thermal: bids[t][self.generator]["min_up_time"] = 0 bids[t][self.generator]["min_down_time"] = 0 bids[t][self.generator]["startup_fuel"] = [ (bids[t][self.generator]["min_down_time"], 0) ] bids[t][self.generator]["startup_cost"] = [ (bids[t][self.generator]["min_down_time"], 0) ] if is_thermal: bids[t][self.generator]["p_cost"] = [ (bids[t][self.generator]["p_min"], 0), (bids[t][self.generator]["p_max"], 0), ] bids[t][self.generator]["startup_capacity"] = bids[t][self.generator][ "p_min" ] bids[t][self.generator]["shutdown_capacity"] = bids[t][self.generator][ "p_min" ] return bids def _record_bids(self, bids, date, hour, **kwargs): """ This function records the bids (schedule) we computed for the given date into a DataFrame and temporarily stores the DataFrame in an instance attribute list called bids_result_list. Arguments: bids: the obtained bids (schedule) for this date. date: the date we bid into hour: the hour we bid into Returns: None """ df_list = [] for t in bids: for g in bids[t]: result_dict = {} result_dict["Generator"] = g result_dict["Date"] = date if hour is not None: result_dict["Hour"] = hour result_dict["Horizon"] = t result_dict["Bid Power [MW]"] = bids[t][g].get("p_max") result_dict["Bid Min Power [MW]"] = bids[t][g].get("p_min") for k, v in kwargs.items(): result_dict[k] = v result_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(result_dict, orient="index") df_list.append(result_df.T) # save the result to object property # wait to be written when simulation ends self.bids_result_list.append(pd.concat(df_list))
[docs]class Bidder(StochasticProgramBidder): """ Wrap a model object to bid into the market using stochastic programming. """ def __init__( self, bidding_model_object, day_ahead_horizon, real_time_horizon, n_scenario, solver, forecaster, real_time_underbid_penalty=10000, ): """ Initializes the bidder object. Arguments: bidding_model_object: the model object for bidding day_ahead_horizon: number of time periods in the day-ahead bidding problem real_time_horizon: number of time periods in the real-time bidding problem n_scenario: number of uncertain LMP scenarios solver: a Pyomo mathematical programming solver object forecaster: an initialized LMP forecaster object real_time_underbid_penalty: penalty for RT power bid that's less than DA power bid, non-negative Returns: None """ super().__init__( bidding_model_object, day_ahead_horizon, real_time_horizon, n_scenario, solver, forecaster, real_time_underbid_penalty, ) def _add_DA_bidding_constraints(self, model): """ Add bidding constraints to the model, i.e., the bid curves need to be nondecreasing. Arguments: model: bidding model Returns: None """ def day_ahead_bidding_constraints_rule(model, s1, s2, t): if s1 == s2: return pyo.Constraint.Skip return ( model.fs[s1].day_ahead_power[t] - model.fs[s2].day_ahead_power[t] ) * ( model.fs[s1].day_ahead_energy_price[t] - model.fs[s2].day_ahead_energy_price[t] ) >= 0 time_index = model.fs[model.SCENARIOS.first()].power_output_ref.index_set() model.day_ahead_bidding_constraints = pyo.Constraint( model.SCENARIOS, model.SCENARIOS, time_index, rule=day_ahead_bidding_constraints_rule, ) return def _add_RT_bidding_constraints(self, model): """ Add bidding constraints to the model, i.e., the bid curves need to be nondecreasing. Arguments: model: bidding model Returns: None """ def real_time_bidding_constraints_rule(model, s1, s2, t): if s1 == s2: return pyo.Constraint.Skip return ( model.fs[s1].power_output_ref[t] - model.fs[s2].power_output_ref[t] ) * ( model.fs[s1].real_time_energy_price[t] - model.fs[s2].real_time_energy_price[t] ) >= 0 time_index = model.fs[model.SCENARIOS.first()].power_output_ref.index_set() model.real_time_bidding_constraints = pyo.Constraint( model.SCENARIOS, model.SCENARIOS, time_index, rule=real_time_bidding_constraints_rule, ) return def _assemble_bids(self, model, power_var_name, energy_price_param_name, hour): """ This methods extract the bids out of the stochastic programming model and organize them into ( MWh, $ ) pairs. Arguments: model: bidding model power_var_name: the name of the power output (str) energy_price_param_name: the name of the energy price forecast params (str) hour: current simulation hour Returns: bids: the bid we computed. """ bids = {} gen = self.generator for i in model.SCENARIOS: power_output_var = getattr(model.fs[i], power_var_name) energy_price_param = getattr(model.fs[i], energy_price_param_name) time_index = power_output_var.index_set() for t in time_index: if t not in bids: bids[t] = {} if gen not in bids[t]: bids[t][gen] = {} power = round(pyo.value(power_output_var[t]), 2) marginal_cost = round(pyo.value(energy_price_param[t]), 2) # if power lower than pmin, e.g., power = 0, we need to skip this # solution, because Prescient is not expecting any power output lower # than pmin in the bids if power < self.bidding_model_object.model_data.p_min: continue elif power in bids[t][gen]: bids[t][gen][power] = min(bids[t][gen][power], marginal_cost) else: bids[t][gen][power] = marginal_cost for t in time_index: # always include pmin in the cost curve, but include the other points if required if self.bidding_model_object.model_data.include_default_p_cost: p_cost_add = self.bidding_model_object.model_data.p_cost else: p_cost_add = self.bidding_model_object.model_data.p_cost[0:1] for power, marginal_cost in p_cost_add: if round(power, 2) not in bids[t][gen]: bids[t][gen][power] = marginal_cost pmin = self.bidding_model_object.model_data.p_min # sort the curves by power bids[t][gen] = dict(sorted(bids[t][gen].items())) # make sure the curve is nondecreasing pre_power = pmin for power, marginal_cost in bids[t][gen].items(): # ignore pmin, because min load cost is special if pre_power == pmin: pre_power = power continue bids[t][gen][power] = max(bids[t][gen][power], bids[t][gen][pre_power]) pre_power = power # calculate the actual cost bids[t][gen] = convert_marginal_costs_to_actual_costs( list(bids[t][gen].items()) ) # check if bids are convex for t in bids: for gen in bids[t]: temp_curve = { "data_type": "cost_curve", "cost_curve_type": "piecewise", "values": bids[t][gen], } try: tx_utils.validate_and_clean_cost_curve( curve=temp_curve, curve_type="cost_curve", p_min=min([p[0] for p in bids[t][gen]]), p_max=max([p[0] for p in bids[t][gen]]), gen_name=gen, t=t, ) except NameError: raise RuntimeError( "'egret' must be installed to use this functionality" ) # create full bids: this includes info in addition to costs full_bids = {} for t_idx in bids: t = t_idx + hour full_bids[t] = {} for gen in bids[t_idx]: full_bids[t][gen] = {} full_bids[t][gen]["p_cost"] = bids[t_idx][gen] full_bids[t][gen]["p_min"] = min([p[0] for p in bids[t_idx][gen]]) full_bids[t][gen]["p_max"] = max([p[0] for p in bids[t_idx][gen]]) full_bids[t][gen]["p_min_agc"] = min([p[0] for p in bids[t_idx][gen]]) full_bids[t][gen]["p_max_agc"] = max([p[0] for p in bids[t_idx][gen]]) full_bids[t][gen]["startup_capacity"] = full_bids[t][gen]["p_min"] full_bids[t][gen]["shutdown_capacity"] = full_bids[t][gen]["p_min"] fixed_commitment = getattr( self.bidding_model_object.model_data, "fixed_commitment", None ) if fixed_commitment is not None: full_bids[t][gen]["fixed_commitment"] = fixed_commitment return full_bids def _record_bids(self, bids, date, hour, **kwargs): """ This method records the bids we computed for the given date into a DataFrame. This DataFrame has the following columns: gen, date, hour, power 1, ..., power n, price 1, ..., price n. And concatenate the DataFrame into a class property 'bids_result_list'. The methods then temporarily stores the DataFrame in an instance attribute list called bids_result_list. Arguments: bids: the obtained bids for this date. date: the date we bid into hour: the hour we bid into Returns: None """ df_list = [] for t in bids: for gen in bids[t]: result_dict = {} result_dict["Generator"] = gen result_dict["Date"] = date result_dict["Hour"] = t for k, v in kwargs.items(): result_dict[k] = v pair_cnt = len(bids[t][gen]["p_cost"]) for idx, (power, cost) in enumerate(bids[t][gen]["p_cost"]): result_dict[f"Power {idx} [MW]"] = power result_dict[f"Cost {idx} [$]"] = cost # place holder, in case different len of bids while pair_cnt < self.n_scenario: result_dict[f"Power {pair_cnt} [MW]"] = None result_dict[f"Cost {pair_cnt} [$]"] = None pair_cnt += 1 result_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(result_dict, orient="index") df_list.append(result_df.T) # save the result to object property # wait to be written when simulation ends self.bids_result_list.append(pd.concat(df_list)) return
class ParametrizedBidder(AbstractBidder): """ Create a parameterized bidder. Bid the resource at different prices. """ def __init__( self, bidding_model_object, day_ahead_horizon, real_time_horizon, solver, forecaster, ): """ Arguments: bidding_model_object: pyomo model object, the IES model object for bidding. day_ahead_horizon: int, number of time periods in the day-ahead bidding problem. real_time_horizon: int, number of time periods in the real-time bidding problem. solver: a Pyomo mathematical programming solver object, solver for solving the bidding problem. In this class we do not need a solver. forecaster: forecaster object, the forecaster to predict the generator/IES capacity factor. """ self.bidding_model_object = bidding_model_object self.day_ahead_horizon = day_ahead_horizon self.real_time_horizon = real_time_horizon self.solver = solver self.forecaster = forecaster # Because ParameterizedBidder is inherited from the AbstractBidder, and we want to # use the _check_inputs() function to check the solver and bidding_model_object. # We must have the self.scenario attribute. In this case, I set the self.n_scenario = 1 when initializing. # However, self.n_scenario will never be used in this class. self.n_scenario = 1 self._check_inputs() self.generator = self.bidding_model_object.model_data.gen_name self.bids_result_list = [] @property def generator(self): return self._generator @generator.setter def generator(self, name): self._generator = name def formulate_DA_bidding_problem(self): """ No need to formulate a DA bidding problem here. Arguments: None Returns: None """ pass def formulate_RT_bidding_problem(self): """ No need to formulate a RT bidding problem here. Arguments: None Returns: None """ pass def compute_day_ahead_bids(self, date, hour=0): raise NotImplementedError def compute_real_time_bids( self, date, hour, realized_day_ahead_prices, realized_day_ahead_dispatches, tracker_profile, ): raise NotImplementedError def update_day_ahead_model(self, **kwargs): """ No need to update the RT bidding problem here. Arguments: None Returns: None """ pass def update_real_time_model(self, **kwargs): """ No need to update the RT bidding problem here. Arguments: None Returns: None """ pass def record_bids(self, bids: dict, model, date: str, hour: int, market): """ This function records the bids and the details in the underlying bidding model. The detailed bids of each time step at day-ahead and real-time planning horizon will be recorded at bidder_detail.csv Arguments: bids: dictionary, the obtained bids for this date. Keys are time step t, example as following: bids = {t: {gen: {p_cost: float, p_max: float, p_min: float, startup_capacity: float, shutdown_capacity: float}}} model: pyomo model object, our bidding model. date: str, the date we bid into. hour: int, the hour we bid into. market: str, the market we participate. Returns: None """ # record bids self._record_bids(bids, date, hour, Market=market) return def _record_bids(self, bids: dict, date: str, hour: int, **kwargs): """ Record the bis of each time period. Arguments: bids: dictionary, the obtained bids for this date. Keys are time step t, example as following: bids = {t: {gen: {p_cost: float, p_max: float, p_min: float, startup_capacity: float, shutdown_capacity: float}}} date: str, the date we bid into. hour: int, the hour we bid into. Returns: None """ df_list = [] for t in bids: for gen in bids[t]: result_dict = {} result_dict["Generator"] = gen result_dict["Date"] = date result_dict["Hour"] = t for k, v in kwargs.items(): result_dict[k] = v num_bid_pairs = len(bids[t][gen]["p_cost"]) for idx, (power, cost) in enumerate(bids[t][gen]["p_cost"]): result_dict[f"Power {idx} [MW]"] = power result_dict[f"Cost {idx} [$]"] = cost result_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(result_dict, orient="index") df_list.append(result_df.T) # save the result to object property # wait to be written when simulation ends self.bids_result_list.append(pd.concat(df_list)) return def write_results(self, path): """ This methods writes the saved operation stats into an csv file. Arguments: path: str or Pathlib object, the path to write the results. Return: None """"Saving bidding results to disk.") pd.concat(self.bids_result_list).to_csv( os.path.join(path, "bidder_detail.csv"), index=False ) return
[docs]class PEMParametrizedBidder(ParametrizedBidder): """ Renewable (PV or Wind) + PEM bidder that uses parameterized bid curves. """ def __init__( self, bidding_model_object, day_ahead_horizon, real_time_horizon, solver, forecaster, renewable_mw, pem_marginal_cost, pem_mw, real_time_bidding_only=False, ): """ Arguments: bidding_model_object: pyomo model object, the IES model object for bidding. day_ahead_horizon: int, number of time periods in the day-ahead bidding problem. real_time_horizon: int, number of time periods in the real-time bidding problem. solver: a Pyomo mathematical programming solver object, solver for solving the bidding problem. In this class we do not need a solver. forecaster: forecaster object, the forecaster to predict the generator/IES capacity factor. renewable_mw: int or float, maximum renewable energy system capacity. pem_marginal_cost: int or float, cost/MW, above which all available wind energy will be sold to grid; below which, make hydrogen and sell remainder of wind to grid. pem_mw: int or float, maximum PEM capacity limits how much energy is bid at the `pem_marginal_cost`. real_time_bidding_only: bool, if True, do real-time bidding only. """ super().__init__( bidding_model_object, day_ahead_horizon, real_time_horizon, solver, forecaster, ) self.renewable_mw = renewable_mw self.renewable_marginal_cost = 0 self.pem_marginal_cost = pem_marginal_cost self.pem_mw = pem_mw self.real_time_bidding_only = real_time_bidding_only self._check_power() def _check_power(self): """ Check the power of PEM should not exceed the power of renewables """ if self.pem_mw >= self.renewable_mw: raise ValueError(f"The power of PEM is greater than the renewable power.")
[docs] def compute_day_ahead_bids(self, date: str, hour=0): """ DA Bid: from 0 MW to (Wind Resource - PEM capacity) MW, bid $0/MWh. from (Wind Resource - PEM capacity) MW to Wind Resource MW, bid 'pem_marginal_cost' If Wind resource at some time is less than PEM capacity, then reduce to available resource Arguments: date: str, the date we bid into. hour: int, the hour we bid into. Returns: full_bids: dictionary, the obtained bids. Keys are time step t, example as following: bids = {t: {gen: {p_cost: float, p_max: float, p_min: float, startup_capacity: float, shutdown_capacity: float}}} """ gen = self.generator # Forecast the day-ahead wind generation forecast = self.forecaster.forecast_day_ahead_capacity_factor( date, hour, gen, self.day_ahead_horizon ) full_bids = {} for t_idx in range(self.day_ahead_horizon): da_wind = forecast[t_idx] * self.renewable_mw grid_wind = max(0, da_wind - self.pem_mw) # grid wind are bidded at marginal cost = 0 # The rest of the power is bidded at the pem marginal cost if grid_wind == 0: bids = [(0, 0), (da_wind, self.pem_marginal_cost)] else: bids = [(0, 0), (grid_wind, 0), (da_wind, self.pem_marginal_cost)] cost_curve = convert_marginal_costs_to_actual_costs(bids) temp_curve = { "data_type": "cost_curve", "cost_curve_type": "piecewise", "values": cost_curve, } tx_utils.validate_and_clean_cost_curve( curve=temp_curve, curve_type="cost_curve", p_min=0, p_max=max([p[0] for p in cost_curve]), gen_name=gen, t=t_idx, ) t = t_idx + hour full_bids[t] = {} full_bids[t][gen] = {} full_bids[t][gen]["p_cost"] = cost_curve full_bids[t][gen]["p_min"] = 0 full_bids[t][gen]["p_max"] = da_wind full_bids[t][gen]["startup_capacity"] = da_wind full_bids[t][gen]["shutdown_capacity"] = da_wind self._record_bids(full_bids, date, hour, Market="Day-ahead") return full_bids
[docs] def compute_real_time_bids( self, date, hour, realized_day_ahead_dispatches, realized_day_ahead_prices ): """ RT Bid: from 0 MW to (Wind Resource - PEM capacity) MW, bid $0/MWh. from (Wind Resource - PEM capacity) MW to Wind Resource MW, bid 'pem_marginal_cost' Arguments: date: str, the date we bid into hour: int, the hour we bid into Returns: full_bids: dictionary, the obtained bids. Keys are time step t, example as following: bids = {t: {gen: {p_cost: float, p_max: float, p_min: float, startup_capacity: float, shutdown_capacity: float}}} """ gen = self.generator forecast = self.forecaster.forecast_real_time_capacity_factor( date, hour, gen, self.real_time_horizon ) full_bids = {} for t_idx in range(self.real_time_horizon): rt_wind = forecast[t_idx] * self.renewable_mw # if we participate in both DA and RT market if not self.real_time_bidding_only: try: da_dispatch = realized_day_ahead_dispatches[t_idx + hour] except IndexError: # When having indexerror, it must be the period that we are looking ahead. It is ok to set da_dispatch to 0 da_dispatch = 0 # if we only participates in the RT market, then we do not consider the DA commitment else: da_dispatch = 0 avail_rt_wind = max(0, rt_wind - da_dispatch) grid_wind = max(0, avail_rt_wind - self.pem_mw) if avail_rt_wind == 0: bids = [(0, 0), (0, 0)] else: if grid_wind == 0: bids = [(0, 0), (avail_rt_wind, self.pem_marginal_cost)] else: bids = [ (0, 0), (grid_wind, 0), (avail_rt_wind, self.pem_marginal_cost), ] cost_curve = convert_marginal_costs_to_actual_costs(bids) temp_curve = { "data_type": "cost_curve", "cost_curve_type": "piecewise", "values": cost_curve, } tx_utils.validate_and_clean_cost_curve( curve=temp_curve, curve_type="cost_curve", p_min=0, p_max=max([p[0] for p in cost_curve]), gen_name=gen, t=t_idx, ) t = t_idx + hour full_bids[t] = {} full_bids[t][gen] = {} full_bids[t][gen]["p_cost"] = cost_curve full_bids[t][gen]["p_min"] = 0 full_bids[t][gen]["p_max"] = max([p[0] for p in cost_curve]) full_bids[t][gen]["startup_capacity"] = rt_wind full_bids[t][gen]["shutdown_capacity"] = rt_wind self._record_bids(full_bids, date, hour, Market="Real-time") return full_bids