Standard Property Set#
- class idaes.core.base.property_set.StandardPropertySet(parent)[source]#
This object defines all the standard properties supported by IDAES, and also allows for definition of new properties if required.
- act = Chemical Activity (dimensionless)#
- act_coeff = Chemical Activity Coefficient (dimensionless)#
- compress_fact = Compressiblity Factor (dimensionless)#
- compress_fact_crit = Compressiblity Factor at Critical Point (dimensionless)#
- conc_mass = Concentration on a Mass Basis (DENSITY_MASS)#
- conc_mol = Concentration on a Molar Basis (DENSITY_MOLE)#
- cp_mass = Constant Pressure Specific Heat Capacity (Mass Basis) (HEAT_CAPACITY_MASS)#
- cp_mol = Constant Pressure Specific Heat Capacity (Molar Basis) (HEAT_CAPACITY_MOLE)#
- cv_mass = Constant Volume Specific Heat Capacity (Mass Basis) (HEAT_CAPACITY_MASS)#
- cv_mol = Constant Volume Specific Heat Capacity (Molar Basis) (HEAT_CAPACITY_MOLE)#
- dens_mass = Density (Mass Basis) (DENSITY_MASS)#
- dens_mass_crit = Mass Density at Critical Point (DENSITY_MASS)#
- dens_mol = Density (Molar Basis) (DENSITY_MOLE)#
- dens_mol_crit = Molar Density at Critical Point (DENSITY_MOLE)#
- dh_rxn = Heat of Reaction (ENERGY_MOLE)#
- diffus = Diffusivity Coefficient (DIFFUSIVITY)#
- energy_internal_mass = Specific Internal Energy (Mass Basis) (ENERGY_MASS)#
- energy_internal_mol = Specific Internal Energy (Molar Basis) (ENERGY_MOLE)#
- enth_mass = Specific Enthalpy (Mass Basis) (ENERGY_MASS)#
- enth_mol = Specific Enthalpy (Molar Basis) (ENERGY_MOLE)#
- entr_mass = Specific Entropy (Mass Basis) (ENERGY_MASS)#
- entr_mol = Specific Entropy (Molar Basis) (ENERGY_MOLE)#
- flow_mass = Mass Flow Rate (FLOW_MASS)#
- flow_mol = Molar Flow Rate (FLOW_MOLE)#
- flow_vol = Volumetric Flow Rate (FLOW_VOL)#
- fug = Fugacity (PRESSURE)#
- fug_coeff = Fugacity Coefficient (dimensionless)#
- gibbs_mass = Specific Gibbs Energy (Mass Basis) (ENERGY_MASS)#
- gibbs_mol = Specific Gibbs Energy (Molar Basis) (ENERGY_MOLE)#
- heat_capacity_ratio = Heat Capacity Ration (dimensionless)#
- henry = Henry Constant (dimensionless)#
- isentropic_speed_sound = Isentropic Speed of Sound (VELOCITY)#
- isothermal_speed_sound = Isothermal Speed of Sound (VELOCITY)#
- k_eq = Equilibrium Coefficient (dimensionless)#
- k_rxn = Rate Constant (dimensionless)#
- log_act = Log of Activity (dimensionless)#
- log_act_coeff = Log of Activity Coefficient (dimensionless)#
- log_conc_mol = Log of Molar Concentration (dimensionless)#
- log_k_eq = Log of Equilibrium Coefficient (dimensionless)#
- log_mass_frac = Log of Mass Fractions (dimensionless)#
- log_molality = Log of Molality (dimensionless)#
- log_mole_frac = Log of Mole Fractions (dimensionless)#
- log_mole_frac_pbub = Log of Mole Fractions at Bubble Point Pressure (dimensionless)#
- log_mole_frac_pdew = Log of Mole Fractions at Dew Point Pressure (dimensionless)#
- log_mole_frac_tbub = Log of Mole Fractions at Bubble Point Temperature (dimensionless)#
- log_mole_frac_tdew = Log of Mole Fractions at Dew Point Temperature (dimensionless)#
- log_pressure = Log of Pressure (dimensionless)#
- mass_frac = Mass Fraction (dimensionless)#
- molality = Molality (MOLALITY)#
- mole_frac = Mole Fraction (dimensionless)#
- mw = Molecular Weight (MOLECULAR_WEIGHT)#
- phase_frac = Phase Fraction (dimensionless)#
- prandtl_number = Prandtl Number (dimensionless)#
- pressure = Pressure (PRESSURE)#
- pressure_bubble = Bubble Point Pressure (PRESSURE)#
- pressure_crit = Pressure at Critical Point (PRESSURE)#
- pressure_dew = Dew point Pressure (PRESSURE)#
- pressure_osm = Osmotic Pressure (PRESSURE)#
- pressure_red = Reduced Pressure (dimensionless)#
- pressure_sat = Saturation Pressure (PRESSURE)#
- reaction_rate = Reaction Rate (dimensionless)#
- surf_tens = Surface Tension (SURFACE_TENSION)#
- temperature = Temperature (TEMPERATURE)#
- temperature_bubble = Bubble Point Temperature (TEMPERATURE)#
- temperature_crit = Temperature at Critical Point (TEMPERATURE)#
- temperature_dew = Dew Point Temperature (TEMPERATURE)#
- temperature_red = Reduced Temperature (dimensionless)#
- temperature_sat = Saturation Temperature (TEMPERATURE)#
- therm_cond = Thermal Conductivity (THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY)#
- visc_d = Dynamic Viscosity (DYNAMIC_VISCOSITY)#
- visc_k = Kinematic Viscosity (KINEMATIC_VISCOSITY)#
- vol_mol = Molar Volume (VOLUME_MOLE)#
- vol_mol_crit = Molar Volume at Critical Point (VOLUME_MOLE)#