Power Plant Costing Using NETL Baseline Reports#
This document outlines an example power plant costing library to support IDAES power generation unit models. The power plant costing method is available for most of the unit operations in power plants (Boiler, Feed Water Heaters, Compressor, Turbine, Condenser, etc.). For a general overview of costing capabilities in IDAES, see the IDAES Process Costing Framework.
A capital cost methodology is developed in this module, both bare and erected cost and total plant cost are calculated based on costing correlations.
The Power Plant Costing Library contains 5 main costing functions: get_PP_costing, get_SCO2_unit_cost, get_ASU_cost, get_fixed_OM_costs, and get_variable_OM_costs. The first function (get_PP_costing) can be called to include cost correlations for equipment typically used in simulation of 7 technologies:
Supercritical pulverized coal plants (SCPC),
Subcritical pulverized coal plants,
Two-stage IGCC,
Single-stage IGCC,
Single-stage dry-feed IGCC,
natural gas air-fired plant (NGCC),
Advanced ultra-supercritical PC (AUSC).
Similarly, get_sCO2_unit_cost can be called to include cost correlations for equipment in supercritical CO2 power cycle plants and the method get_ASU_cost calls costing for equipment in air separation units. The method costing_initialization exists to initialize pp, sCO2 and ASU costing blocks.
The methods get_fixed_OM_costs and get_variable_OM_costs calculate operating and maintenance costs for fixed (operating labor, maintenance labor, admin/support labor, property taxes and insurance, maintenance materials) and variable (fuel, consumable and waste disposal costs for electricity production indexed by time) costs, respectively. The methods initialize_fixed_OM_costs and initialize_variable_OM_costs exist to initialize fixed and variable O&M costing blocks. To build all operating and maintenance costs sequentially, users may call the build_process_costs method.
Several reporting methods exist (report, display_total_plant_costs, display_bare_erected_costs, display_equipment_costs, get_total_TPC, display_flowsheet_cost) as well as a check on supercritical CO2 bounds (check_sCO2_costing_bounds).
Finally, custom_power_plant_currency_units appends custom units for power plant scenarios to the existing registered Pyomo currency units dictionary.
Details are given for each method later in this documentation; however, there are many similarities between methods as described below:
Costing sub-blocks#
In general, when get_PP_costing or get_sCO2_unit_cost is called on an instance of a unit model, a new sub-block is created on that unit named costing (i.e. flowsheet.unit.costing). All variables and constraints related to costing will be constructed within this new block (see detailed documentation for each unit for details on these variables and constraints).
Capital Cost Stages#
There are multiple stages of capital cost, the lowest stage is the equipment cost which only includes the cost of manufacturing the equipment. The next stage is the bare erected cost (BEC) which includes the equipment cost and the cost of material and labor for installation. The final stage is the total plant cost (TPC) which includes the BEC plus the engineering fee, process contingency, and project contingency, all of which are typically estimated as a percentage of BEC.
The equations above assume the additional costs (eng_fee or process and project contingencies) are given as percentages of BEC and TPC.
All costing methods calculate the bare erected and total plant costs. The sCO2 library is currently the only one that includes an equipment cost.
Dollar Year scaling#
The value of money decreases over time due to inflation and missed investment opportunity. Thus, all costs must be normalized to the same dollar year to be compared on a consistent basis. This is done using a CE index and the following formula:
In the costing functions this equation is built into the constraint for the lowest level capital cost in the selected method.
Table 1. Base years of costing modules
Module |
Base Year |
Power Plant Costing |
2018 |
sCO2 Costing |
2017 |
2011 |
When a costing block is created on the flowsheet object (i.e. flowsheet.costing), the methods automatically build any global parameters relating to costing under this block. The most common of these parameters is the CE index parameter. The CE index will be set to the base year of the method called, set by the argument CE_index_year which is allowed in most methods in this module.
Power Plant Costing Module#
A costing module has been developed based on the capital cost scaling methodology from NETL’s Bituminous Baseline Report Rev 4 [1]. It provides costing correlations for common variants of pulverized coal (PC), integrated gassification combined cycle (IGCC), and natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) power generation technologies. Users should refer to reference [2] for details of the costing correlations, however, a summary is provided below.
The module breaks down the cost of a power plant into separate accounts for each system within the plant. The accounts are scaled based on a process parameter that determines the size of the equipment needed. The cost of the account is computed based on the scaled parameter, reference parameter, reference cost, and scaling exponent determined by NETL in [1]. This equation is similar to a six tenth factor approach, however, the exponents have been trained using several vendor quotes.
scaled_cost - the cost of the system in Million dollars
reference_cost - the cost of the reference system in thousands of dollars
scaled_param - the value of the system’s process parameter
reference_param - the value of the reference system’s process parameter
alpha - scaling exponent
The capital cost scaling equation can be applied to any capital cost stage. In the power plant costing library it is applied to the bare erected cost, while in the sCO2 library it is applied to the equipment cost.
The Power Plant costing method has the following arguments:
blk : an existing unit model or Pyomo Block
cost_accounts : A list of accounts or a string containing the name of a pre-named account. If the input is a list all accounts must share the same process parameter. Pre-named accounts are listed below.
scaled_param : The Pyomo Variable representing the accounts’ scaled parameter
tech : The technology to cost, as different technologies have different accounts
ccs : which reference parameter to use, as some accounts are costed using two different reference parameters; defaults to “B”, and “A” is also a valid option
CE_index_year : Chemical Engineering Cost Index base year, defaults to 2018; calling the registered Pyomo currency units dictionary of plant cost index values will allow conversion between base years within the flowsheet
additional_costing_params : option to add a costing parameter dictionary to supplement existing account data
use_additional_costing_params : True/False flag whether IDAES should use new data when additional account names match existing account names, or fail with a useful error message; defaults to False, meaning pre-installed accounts in BB_costing_params and generic_ccs_costing will never be bypassed or overwritten by duplicated additional accounts unless this flag is set to True on the unit costing block argument level
Supercritical PC,
Subcritical PC,
Two-stage, slurry-feed IGCC
Single-stage, slurry-feed IGCC
Single-stage, dry-feed IGCC,
Natural Gas Combined Cycle (NGCC),
Advanced Ultrasupercritical PC
Many accounts scale using the same process parameter. For convenience the user is allowed to enter accounts as a list instead of having to cost each account individually. If the accounts in the list do not use the same process parameter an error will be raised.
It is recognized that many users will be unfamiliar with the accounts in the Bituminous Baseline. For this reason the cost_accounts argument will also accept a string with the name of a pre-named account. Pre-nammed accounts aggregate the relevant accounts for certain systems. The pre-named accounts for each technology can be found in the tables below.
Table 2. Pre-named Accounts for PC technologies
Pre-named Account |
Accounts Included |
Process Parameter |
Units |
Coal Handling |
1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.9a |
Coal Feed Rate |
lb/hr |
Sorbent Handling |
1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9b |
Limestone Feed Rate |
lb/hr |
Coal Feed |
2.1, 2.2, 2.9a |
Coal Feed Rate |
lb/hr |
Sorbent Feed |
2.5, 2.6, 2.9b |
Limestone Feed Rate |
lb/hr |
Feedwater System |
3.1, 3.3 |
HP BFW Flow Rate |
lb/hr |
PC Boiler |
4.9 |
HP BFW Flow Rate |
lb/hr |
Steam Turbine |
8.1 |
Steam Turbine Power |
kW |
Condenser |
8.3 |
Condenser Duty |
MMBtu/hr |
Cooling Tower |
9.1 |
Cooling Tower Duty |
MMBtu/hr |
Circulating Water System |
9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.6, 9.7 |
Circulating Water Flow Rate |
gpm |
Ash Handling |
10.6, 10.7, 10.9 |
Total Ash Flow |
lb/hr |
Table 3. Pre-named Accounts for IGCC technologies
Pre-named Account |
Accounts Included |
Process Parameter |
Units |
Coal Handling |
1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.9 |
Coal Feed Rate |
lb/hr |
Coal Feed |
2.1, 2.2, 2.9 |
Coal Feed Rate |
lb/hr |
Feedwater System |
3.1, 3.3 |
HP BFW Flow Rate |
lb/hr |
Gasifier |
4.1 |
Coal Feed Rate |
lb/hr |
Syngas Cooler |
4.2 |
Syngas Cooler Duty |
MMBtu/hr |
4.3a |
Oxygen Production |
tpd |
ASU Oxidant Compression |
4.3b |
Main Air Compressor Power |
kW |
Combustion Turbine |
6.1, 6.3 |
Syngas Flowrate |
lb/hr |
Syngas Expander |
6.2 |
Syngas Flowrate |
lb/hr |
7.1, 7.2 |
HRSG Duty |
MMBtu/hr |
Steam Turbine |
8.1 |
Steam Turbine Power |
MW |
Condenser |
8.3 |
Condenser Duty |
MMBtu/hr |
Cooling Tower |
9.1 |
Cooling Tower Duty |
MMBtu/hr |
Circulating Water System |
9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.6, 9.7 |
Circulating Water Flow Rate |
gpm |
Slag Handling |
10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.6, 10.7, 10.8, 10.9 |
Slag Production |
lb/hr |
Table 4. Pre-named Accounts for NGCC technologies
Pre-named Account |
Accounts Included |
Process Parameter |
Units |
Feedwater System |
3.1, 3.3 |
HP BFW Flow Rate |
lb/hr |
Combustion Turbine |
6.1, 6.3 |
Fuel Gas Flow |
lb/hr |
7.1, 7.2 |
HRSG Duty |
MMBtu/hr |
Steam Turbine |
8.1 |
Steam Turbine Power |
kW |
Condenser |
8.3 |
Condenser Duty |
MMBtu/hr |
Cooling Tower |
9.1 |
Cooling Tower Duty |
MMBtu/hr |
Circulating Water System |
9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.6, 9.7 |
Circulating Water Flow Rate |
gpm |
The library has a 7th technology of AUSC. These operate at higher temperatures that traditional PC plants. The library contains modified correlation for the PC boiler, steam turbine, and steam piping to reflect the use of high temperature materials.
Table 5. Pre-named Accounts for AUSC technologies
Pre-named Account |
Accounts Included |
Process Parameter |
Units |
PC Boiler |
4.9 |
HP BFW Flow Rate |
lb/hr |
Steam Turbine |
8.1 |
Steam Turbine Power |
kW |
Steam Piping |
8.4 |
HP BFW Flow Rate |
lb/hr |
A call to get_PP_costing creates two variables and two constraints for each account in the list. The variables are bare_erected_cost and total_plant_cost. Both variables are indexed by the account number in string format. The function makes a new block called self.costing where all variables and parameters associated with costing are stored.
The bare_erected_cost and total_plant_cost are in Million dollars.
Below is an example of how to add cost correlations to a flowsheet including a heat exchanger using the IDAES power plant costing module:
from pyomo.environ import (ConcreteModel, SolverFactory)
from idaes.core import FlowsheetBlock
from idaes.models.unit_models.heat_exchanger import \
(HeatExchanger, HeatExchangerFlowPattern)
from idaes.models.properties import iapws95
from idaes.models_extra.power_generation.costing.power_plant_capcost import \
m = ConcreteModel()
m.fs = FlowsheetBlock(dynamic=False)
m.fs.properties = iapws95.Iapws95ParameterBlock()
m.fs.unit = HeatExchanger(
shell={"property_package": m.fs.properties},
tube={"property_package": m.fs.properties},
# set inputs
m.fs.unit.duty_MMbtu = pyo.Var(
doc="Condenser duty in MMbtu/hr",
def duty_conversion(b, t):
conv_fact = 3.412/1e6
return b.duty_MMbtu[t] == conv_fact*b.heat_duty[t]
hx_accounts = ["6.7.ccs"]
m.fs.unit.costing = UnitModelCostingBlock(
"cost_accounts": hx_accounts,
"scaled_param": m.fs.unit.duty_MMBtu,
"tech": 1,
"ccs": "A",
"CE_index_year": "2013",
# initialize costing equations
opt = SolverFactory('ipopt')
opt.options = {'tol': 1e-6, 'max_iter': 50}
results = opt.solve(m, tee=True)
Supercritical CO2 Costing Module#
The sCO2 costing function, besides including the capital cost and engineering of the equipment, it can cost penalty due to the high temperature and pressure equipment required for sCO2 PC plants. The function has has five arguments, self, equipment, scaled_param, temp_C, and n_equip.
self : an existing unit model or Pyomo Block
equipment : The type of equipment to be costed, see table 6
scaled_param : The Pyomo Variable representing the component’s scaled parameter
temp_C : The Pyomo Variable representing the hottest temperature of the piece of equipment being costed. Some pieces of equipment do not have a temperature associated with them, so the default argument is None. This variable must have units of Celsius (Pyomo label pyunits.C).
n_equip : The number of pieces of equipment to be costed. The function will evenly divide the scaled parameter between the number passed.
CE_index_year : Chemical Engineering Cost Index base year, defaults to 2018; calling the registered Pyomo currency units dictionary of plant cost index values will allow conversion between base years within the flowsheet
custom_accounts : Additional accounts to cost
The equipment cost is calculated using the following two equations. A temperature correction factor account for advanced materials needed at high temperatures.
The bare erected and total plant costs are calculated as shown in the introduction. There are currently no estimates for the total plant cost components, so bare erected cost will be the same as total plant cost for now.
Five variables and constraints are created within the costing block. Three are for the equipment, bare erected, and total plant costs. One is for the temperature correction factor. The last one is for the scaled parameter divided by n_equip.
Table 6. sCO2 Costing Library Components
Component |
Scaling Parameter |
Units |
Coal-fired heaters |
\(Q\) |
\(MW_{th}\) |
Natural gas-fired heaters |
\(Q\) |
\(MW_{th}\) |
Recuperators |
\(UA\) |
\(W/K\) |
Direct air coolers |
\(UA\) |
\(W/K\) |
Radial turbines |
\(W_{sh}\) |
\(MW_{sh}\) |
Axial turbines |
\(W_{sh}\) |
\(MW_{sh}\) |
IG centrifugal compressors |
\(W_{sh}\) |
\(MW_{sh}\) |
Barrel type compressors |
\(V_{in}\) |
\(m^3/s\) |
Gearboxes |
\(W_{e}\) |
\(MW_{sh}\) |
Generators |
\(W_{e}\) |
\(MW_{e}\) |
Explosion proof motors |
\(W_{e}\) |
\(MW_{e}\) |
Synchronous motors |
\(W_{e}\) |
\(MW_{e}\) |
Open drip-proof motors |
\(W_{e}\) |
\(MW_{e}\) |
Other Costing Modules#
Air Separation Unit Costing Module#
The ASU costing function calculates total plant cost in the exact same way as the get_PP_costing function. get_ASU_cost takes two arguments: self, and scaled_param.
self - a Pyomo Block or unit model
scaled_param - The scaled parameter. For the ASU it is the oxygen flowrate in units of tons per day.
CE_index_year : Chemical Engineering Cost Index base year, defaults to 2018; calling the registered Pyomo currency units dictionary of plant cost index values will allow conversion between base years within the flowsheet
The bare erected and total plant costs are calculated as shown in the introduction. There are currently no estimates for the total plant cost components, so bare erected cost will be the same as total plant cost for now.
Fixed Operating & Maintenance Costs#
The Fixed O&M costing function adds constraints to estimate the labor, maintenance, support, taxes and other fixed costs. The method takes the following arguments:
b : Pyomo concrete model or flowsheet block
net_power: production rate of the plant in MW, if provided will enable additional production-related cost calculations but not required to use method
nameplate_capacity : rated plant output in MW, defaults to 650
capacity_factor: factor adjusting variable costs for plant capacity; defaults to 85%.
labor_rate : hourly rate of plant operators in project dollar year, defaults to 38.50
labor_burden : a percentage multiplier used to estimate non-salary labor expenses, defaults to 30
operators_per_shift : average number of operators per shift, defaults to 6
tech : int 1-7 representing the categories in get_PP_costing, used to determine maintenance costs, defaults to 1
fixed_TPC : The TPC in $MM that will be used to determine fixed O&M costs. If the value is None, the function will try to use the TPC calculated from the individual units.
CE_index_year : Chemical Engineering Cost Index base year, defaults to 2018; calling the registered Pyomo currency units dictionary of plant cost index values will allow conversion between base years within the flowsheet
The following maintenance cost percentages are assumed:
Technology |
Maintenance Labor / TPC Split |
Maintenance Labor Percent |
1 |
0.4 |
0.016 |
2 |
0.4 |
0.016 |
3 |
0.35 |
0.03 |
4 |
0.35 |
0.03 |
5 |
0.35 |
0.03 |
6 |
0.4 |
0.019 |
7 |
0.4 |
0.016 |
When this method is called, the following equations are added to the flowsheet as constraints:
where 8760 is the number of operating hours per year, 0.25, 0.02 and 0.85 are assumed cost ratio coefficients, and the variable other_fixed_costs exists to allow for unaccounted fixed costs (default = 0).
Variable Operating & Maintenance Costs#
The Variable O&M costing function adds constraints to calculate correlations associated with fuel, consumable and waste disposal costs. The function may be used to calculate variable costs of producing electricity in $/MWh. The method takes the following arguments:
b: pyomo flowsheet block
resources : a list of strings for the resources to be costed
rates : a list of pyomo vars for resource consumption rates
prices : a dict of resource prices to be added to the premade dictionary
CE_index_year : Chemical Engineering Cost Index base year, defaults to 2018; calling the registered Pyomo currency units dictionary of plant cost index values will allow conversion between base years within the flowsheet
capacity_factor: factor adjusting variable costs for plant capacity; defaults to 85%.
The following default prices are assumed:
Stream |
Price |
Units |
natural_gas |
4.42 |
USD (2018) per Million BTU |
coal |
51.96 |
USD (2018) per ton |
water |
1.90E-3 |
USD (2018) per gallon |
water_treatment_chemicals |
550 |
USD (2018) per ton |
ammonia |
300 |
USD (2018) per ton |
SCR_catalyst |
150 |
USD (2018) per cubic foot |
triethylene_glycol |
6.80 |
USD (2018) per gallon |
SCR_catalyst_waste |
2.50 |
USD (2018) per cubic foot |
triethylene_glycol_waste |
0.35 |
USD (2018) per gallon |
amine_purification_unit |
38 |
USD (2018) per ton |
thermal_reclaimer_unit_waste |
38 |
USD (2018) per ton |
When this method is called, the following equations are added to the flowsheet as constraints:
where variables are indexed by resource r and time t, 0.85 is an assumed price ratio coefficient, and the variable other_variable_costs exists to allow for unaccounted variable costs (default = 0).
Build Process Costs#
Users may quickly build all required process costs by calling the global method m.fs.costing.build_process_costs, which internally determines which fixed and variable cost quantities should be considered and/or calculated. The method takes the following arguments:
total_plant_cost: The TPC in $MM that will be used to determine fixed O&M, costs. If the value is None, the function will try to use the TPC calculated from the individual units. This quantity should be a Pyomo Var or Param that will contain the TPC value.
nameplate_capacity: rated plant output in MW
capacity_factor: multiplicative factor for normal operating capacity
labor_rate: hourly rate of plant operators in project dollar year
labor_burden: a percentage multiplier used to estimate non-salary labor expenses
operators_per_shift: average number of operators per shift
tech: int 1-7 representing the categories in get_PP_costing, used to determine maintenance costs
land_cost: Expression, Var or Param to calculate land costs
net_power: actual plant output in MW, only required if calculating variable costs
resources: list setting resources to cost
rates: list setting flow rates of resources
prices: list setting prices of resources
fixed_OM: True/False flag for calculating fixed O&M costs
variable_OM: True/False flag for calculating variable O&M costs
fuel: string setting fuel type for fuel costs
chemicals: string setting chemicals type for chemicals costs
chemicals_inventory: string setting chemicals type for inventory costs
waste: string setting waste type for waste costs
transport_cost: Expression, Var or Param to use for transport costs per ton of CO2 captured (note, this is not part of the TOC)
tonne_CO2_capture: Var or value to use for tonnes of CO2 capture in one year
CE_index_year: year for cost basis, e.g. “2018” to use 2018 dollars
Utility Functions#
Initialize Costing#
The initialize_fixed_OM_costs will initialize all fixed cost variable and constraint in the costing block. The initialize_variable_OM_costs does the same.
The costing_initialization function will initialize all the variable within every costing block in the flowsheet. It takes one argument, the flowsheet object. It should be called after all the calls to ‘get costing’ functions are completed.
The function iterates through the flowsheet looking for costing blocks and calculates variables from constraints.
Total Flowsheet Cost Constraint#
For optimization, a constraint summing all the total plant costs is required. Calling build_flowsheet_cost_constraint(m) creates a variable named m.fs.costing.flowsheet_cost and builds the required constraint at the flowsheet level.
The costing libraries can be used for simulation or optimization. For simulation, costing constraints can be built and solved after the flowsheet has been solved. For optimization, the costing constraints will need to be solved with the flowsheet.
Display Total Flowsheet Cost#
Calling display_flowsheet_cost(m.fs.costing) will print the value of m.fs.costing.flowsheet_cost.
Display Individual Costs#
There are three functions for displaying individual costs.
Each one prints out a list of the costed blocks and the cost level of the function chosen. The functions should be called after solving the model.
Calling the report(m.fs.costing) method will print specific total costs (e.g. total TPC, cost of electricity, annualized cost) if they exist and are calculated by the methods.
Checking Bounds#
Currently, only the sCO2 module has support for checking bounds.
All costing methods have a range, outside of which the correlations become inaccurate. Calling check_sCO2_costing_bounds(m.fs.costing) will display which components are within the proper range and which are outside it. It should be called after the model is solved.
Adding Custom Currency Units#
The method custom_power_plant_currency_units allows the addition of custom currency units, such as specific months (e.g. USD_2008_Nov for the ASU reference costs) to the existing currency units dictionary containing only aggregates for each cost year.
DOE/NETL-2015/1723 Cost and Performance Baseline for Fossil Energy Plants Volume 1a: Bituminus Coal (PC) and Natural Gas to Electricity Revision 3 and 4
DOE/NETL-341/013113 Quality Guidelines for Energy System Studies Capital Cost Scaling Methodology
NETL_PUB_21490 Techno-economic Evaluation of Utility-Scale Power Plants Based on the Indirect sCO2 Brayton Cycle. Charles White, David Gray, John Plunkett, Walter Shelton, Nathan Weiland, Travis Shultz. September 25, 2017
SCO2 Power Cycle Component Cost Correlations from DOE Data Spanning Multiple Scales and Applications. Nathan Weiland, Blake Lance, Sandeep Pidaparti. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2019: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition GT2019. June 17-21, 2019, Phoenix, Arizona, USA